Coupled Rotational and Translational Modelling of Two Satellite Tethered Formation and their Robust Attitude Control
Darabi, Atefe | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50717 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Assadian, Nima
- Abstract:
- The 6DOF modelling and robust attitude control of two tethered satellites using tether tension moments is studied in this thesis. In this regard, the coupled rotational and translational dynamics of two satellites connected by a tether in the presence of Earth’s gravitational perturbation, aerodynamic drag, solar radiation pressure and third body effects (Sun and Moon) and also uncertainties in some of physical parameters of system and sensor’s outputs is modelled. Moreover, the tether attachment point to the satellites is different from their center of mass and its effect on dynamics of the system is taken into consideration. Then, the attitude of both satellites are controlled using robust sliding mode control as well as linear quaternion feedback control. By using tether attachment point optimal control and a linear PD control for the moving attachment point actuator, the attitude of the system is controlled in the presence of uncertainties. The results of the numerical simulation and control of the system show that spatial tethers can be used to provide required moments for the attitude control purposes of two satellites in formation flying, especially in the presence of uncertainties and perturbations. It is shown by simulation of a typical configuration that by using this approach the required energy of Leader and Follower satellite’s reaction wheel can be saved up to 55 percent
- Keywords:
- Robust Control ; Optimal Control ; Sliding Mode Control ; Formation Flight ; Space Tether
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