Laboratory Study of Transverse Dispersion and Hydrodynamic of Continuous Flow Around Cylindrical Cylinders
Soltani, Samira Sadat | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51004 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Jamali, Mirmosadegh
- Abstract:
- In this study, by performing a series of experiments, the effect of the presence of cylinders on the formation of vortices and the interaction of cylinders on each other and, finally, transverse propagation in a steady flow are investigated. The cylinder cylinders that are in the direction of the motion of the water, have a significant effect on the hydrodynamic aspects and propagation in these streams. In the pattern of flow around cylindrical cylinders, with increasing Reynolds number, the vortex behind the stem begins to oscillate and when they reach, vortices flow into the stream. The flow velocity field, the formation and vortex fluctuation, affects the process of particle propagation and forces applied to the cylinders. In previous studies, studies focused on the characteristics of the flow around cylinders in different arrangments and the formation of vortices around the cylinders. In the present study, the focus of the study is on the interaction of vortices formed around cylinders in different arrangments and different reynolds numbers and their effect on the transverse diffusion phenomenon. The mechanism of distribution of materials has a direct relation with the pattern of flow around the cylinder, shape, relative intensity, and vortex flow. Variable parameters in the experiments, the number of cylinders (between one to three variables), the longitudinal and transverse distance of the center to the center of the cylinders, the arrangement of the cylinders, and the Reynolds number. Finally, the transverse propagation of the particle image velocimetry method is investigated by particle tracking and velocity field measurements
- Keywords:
- Vortex Shedding ; Particle Image Velocimetery (PIV) ; Cylinder Group ; Transverse Dispersion
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