Measurement of Radionuclides Transport Parameters for Soil Samples from Naeen Radioactive Waste Disposal Site by Column Experiment Method
Amini, Marzieh | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51025 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- The Iranian Nuclear waste management Company is responsible for the safe disposal of the low-level radioactive waste resulting from the various processes of nuclear fuel cycle and other radioactive-related activities. The safety assessment of waste disposal requires the measurement of transport parameters of radioactive nuclides in the soil around the disposal site. In this project, the transport parameters of cobalt nucleus in the Naeein disposal soil were measured using two static (batch) and dynamic (column experiment) methods. In the static method, the distribution coefficient was determined by performing batch adsorption experiments, and then the retardation factor for the soil disposal was calculated. In dynamic method, first,The Breakthough curve for cobalt was determined experimentally. Then, by fitting a curve to the experimental data (using STANMOD software), the distribution coefficient parameters and the retardation factor for cobalt were extracted. The distribution coefficient (K_d) and retardation factor (R) for cobalt were 12.05 lit / kg and 58 respectively. By comparing these results with the results obtained from the static method (20 lit / kg for K_dand 93 for R), it was concluded that there is a nearly two times difference between between the results obtained by static and dynamic measurement methods
- Keywords:
- Breakthrough Curve ; Radioactive Waste ; Waste disposal ; Column Experiment ; Distribution Ratio ; Radionuclides Transport Parameters
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