The Effects of a Change in a Bank’s Soundness on its Lending Power
Nejadghorban, Hamid | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 51088 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Madanizadeh, Ali; Mahmoudzadeh, Amineh
- Abstract:
- The financial depth in Iran has decreased since 2008 and simultaneously the interbank rate has increased. In addition, researches show that the bank health has decreased over the same period. This research investigates to find evidence for the existence of the relationship between the bank health indicators and its lending power. In this regard, the balance sheet data and financial statement data of the Iranian banks during 2007 to 2014 have been investigated and the effect of the bank health indicators on their lending power studied at the normal conditions and sanction periods. In this research like Kashyap and Stein 2000, and Gambacorta and Marques2011, the bank lending channel consider as a transmission path from the financial sector to the real economy. This research show, by using various estimation methods, that Liquid ratio and the Non-Performing Loan ratio have significant effect on the lending power. Also, this research show some of the health indicators’ effect changed during the sanction period. In this research, we estimate the main regression with system GMM method. Furthermore, we use the instrumental variables method and the fixed effect method for robustness check. In addition, we use from loan to asset ratio as a dependent variable instead of the loan growth and in all of these methods, the results did not change
- Keywords:
- Non-Performing Loans ; Bank-lending Channel ; Lending Power ; Bank Health ; Liquid Ratio ; Financial Depth
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