
Effect of vibration on postural control and gait of elderly subjects: a systematic review

Aboutorabi, A ; Sharif University of Technology | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1007/s40520-017-0831-7
  3. Publisher: Springer International Publishing , 2018
  4. Abstract:
  5. Background and aim: Gait and balance disorders are common in the elderly populations, and their prevalence increases with age. This systematic review was performed to summarize the current evidence for subthreshold vibration interventions on postural control and gait in elderly. Method: A review of intervention studies including the following words in the title/abstract: insole, foot and ankle appliances, vibration, noise and elderly related to balance and gait. Databases searched included PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, Ovid, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Fifteen articles were selected for final evaluation. The procedure was followed using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis method. Results: There was reduction in center of pressure velocity and displacement especially with eyes closed using vibration in healthy elderly subjects and this effect was greater in elderly faller and patients with more balance deficiency. Vibration programme training increased speed of walking, cadence, step time and length in stroke subjects. The vibratory insoles significantly improved performance on the Timed Up and Go and Functional Reach tests in older people. Conclusion: Vibration was effective on balance improvement in elderly subject especially elderly with more balance deficiency and it can improve gait parameters in patients with greater baseline variability. © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG
  6. Keywords:
  7. Balance ; Elderly ; Falling ; Foot and ankle appliances ; Noise ; Older people ; Postural stability ; Stochastic resonance ; Vibration ; Ankle ; Balance disorder ; Body equilibrium ; Cadence ; Center of pressure displacement ; Center of pressure velocity ; Cerebrovascular accident ; Foot ; Functional reach test ; Gait ; Gait disorder ; Human ; Motor dysfunction assessment ; Musculoskeletal system parameters ; Normal human ; One leg stance test ; Piezoelectricity ; Review ; Stance time ; Step length ; Step time ; Stroke patient ; Systematic review ; Timed up and go test ; Walking speed ; Physiology ; Physiotherapy ; Aged ; Humans ; Physical therapy modalities ; Postural balance ; Stroke ; Walking
  8. Source: Aging Clinical and Experimental Research ; Volume 30, Issue 7 , 2018 , Pages 713-726 ; 15940667 (ISSN)
  9. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40520-017-0831-7