
Investigation of the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell Based on Shewanella Bacteria with the Aim of Nanostructured Materials

Davoudi, Omid | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52049 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Yaghmaei, Soheila; Sanaee, Zeinab
  7. Abstract:
  8. The development of clean, renewable and alternative sources of fossil fuels has increased in recent years due to various factors such as environmental pollution, reduced fossil fuel resources and increased energy consumption. The application of microbial fuel cells is one of the clean energy production methods using renewable sources such as municipal sewage. The microbial fuel cell converts the chemical energy stored in organic materials into electrical energy and simultaneously purifies the sewage. Increasing current density and power density are the most important challenges for microbial fuel cells. In this study, the two biocatalysts of Shewanella Oneidensis MR1 and Escherichia coli were evaluated. Using nickel nanowires as the anode and introducing this new structure to microfluidic microbial fuel cells increases the effective area of the anode electrode. Besides, using the Shewanella bacteria as biocatalyst power and current density are improved finally. First, the performance of the cell with two substrates of glucose with a concentration equivalent to glucose concentration in human blood and substrate in the culture medium were investigated and the maximum production power density for the Shewanella biocatalyst was 65 and 221 watts per cubic meter respectively, which is shown that this system has a greater power density in comparison with other microfluidic microbial fuel cells. These results demonstrate the system's acceptable performance in the production of bio-energy from materials such as human blood
  9. Keywords:
  10. Microbial Fuel Cell ; Nanostructured Materials ; Shewanella Oneidensis Bacteria ; Escherichia Coli Bacteria ; Microfluidic System

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