
Multiscale Modelling the Nonlinear Behavior of Metallic Nano-powder Compaction Process

Mofatteh, Hossein | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52115 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Khoie, Amir Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. In present research forming process of nanopowders, which is a part of powder metallurgy was investigated by molecular dynamics method. Powder metallurgy is a relatively new method for production of industrial parts by pouring powder into die and compaction to desired density. One can reach parts with higher quality and strength by decreasing size of powder’s particles and entering the nano scale. Particle with smaller size have higher specific surface and due more intensity to react. Classic methods for investigation of this process don’t cover the atomic scale effects, so using newer procedures such as molecular dynamics is highly recommended. In present research, at first compaction of nickel and aluminium particles’ were modeled and outputs were compared in veriety of situation. After reaching rather good agreement in results, effect of different factors such as loading speed, temperature, number, size and configuration of particles were investigated. Classic molecular dynamic software named as LAMMPS was used for all the simulations.After a complete study ont the behavior of the nanopowders compaction, a multiscale frame work has been introduced to reduce the computational cost greatly. This frame work is based on the enriching the continuum equations with cone cap plasticity formulations. In continue the validity of the method and capability of modeling complex problems with complex boundary conditions has been investigated
  9. Keywords:
  10. Molecular Dynamics ; Forming ; Compression ; Metal Nano-powders ; Atomic Simulation ; Finite Element Method ; Plasticity ; Multiscale Method

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