
Assessing Major Sources and Components of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) In Tehran

Ghadyani, Yasmin | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52308 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Arhami, Mohammad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Due to their adverse effects on human health and the environment, PM2.5 has been identified as one of the most important pollutants in Tehran. Considering the heterogeneous land use of this city, insufficient information on the amount and chemical components of these particles in its various regions, as well as lack of accurate information about the contribution of each source in the production of pollutants, this research investigates the concentration of fine particulate matter and its constituents in four stations of Tehransar, Sharif University of Technology, Shahid Mahallati and Shahriyar and studies their sources. Initially, the pollutant mass concentration and concentration of its chemical constituents, including metallic elements, water-soluble ions, and PAHs were determined by field measurements between 2015 and 2016. The mean annual concentrations of PM2.5 in Tehransar, Sharif, Shahriyar, and Mahallati stations was 37.36, 41.00, 31.97, and 54.61 µg / m3, respectively and the total mean concentration in Tehran was 41.23 µg / m3. Then, using these data, sources of these particles were identified using methods such as diagnostic ratios. Concentrations of fine particulate matter were analyzed at four stations to identify their main components by the PCA method. The first component, which accounts for 34% of the variance of the dataset, has a higher proportion of the components that are considered as crustal tracers. The second component, which accounts for 12% of the variance in the dataset, has high amounts of metals and ions. Given the origins of these metals, this factor may indicate the presence of industrial resources or vehicles around the stations. The third component, which accounts for 12% of the total variance, has a higher share of organic and inorganic carbon and PAHs. The high proportion of organic compounds in this factor indicates the presence of combustible and organic matter-dependent sources and may suggest that this factor is affected by traffic and vehicles, including diesel or gasoline ones. Then, using CMB method, the probable share of sources in different months and for different stations was obtained. In addition to identifying significant sources at each station, this research enables the comparison of effective sources in different parts of the city. On average, during the hot season, dust, light-duty vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles, and industries with the emission rates of 18.31, 6.36, 1.94, and 0.71 µg / m3 respectively had the highest share of fine particulate matter production. In contrast, in the cold season, the largest share with the values of 9.89, 8.43, 1.91, and 0.80 µg / m3 are allocated to light-duty vehicles, dust, heavy-duty vehicles, and industrial sources, respectively. The results of this study can help executives to make better and more effective decisions for controlling the existing pollution in Tehran and managing the pollution sources in order to reduce their levels
  9. Keywords:
  10. Tehran City ; Air Pollution ; Particulate Matter Less than 2.5 mm ; Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ; Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) ; Receptor Model Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) ; Sources Apportionment

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