
Customers’ Engagement with Social Media Activation Campaigns

Mirbagheri, Alireza | 2019

660 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52157 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Najmi, Manoochehr
  7. Abstract:
  8. This thesis seeks to answer the following research questions: 1-How customers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns is conceptualized and operationalized? 2- What are the main antecedents of customers’ engagement with such campaigns? 3-How customers’ engagement with these campaigns affects brand image? The first research question is addressed in the first section of this research and includes five phases. Using the conceptualization of engagement in psychology, marketing, information systems, and some other fields, Phase 1 conceptualizes customers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns. This phase offers a comprehensive definition of this construct and discuss the nature and dimensionality of it. In the next phases, several steps are followed to develop and validate of a 12-item scale for measuring the aforementioned construct. Phase 2 begins by generating a pool of items and then employs both a panel of experts and some Instagram users to examine the content validity of the items. To validate the scale, this thesis carries out several online surveys in subsequent phases. Phase 3 uses exploratory factor analysis to remove the problematic items and evaluate the dimensionality of the construct. Phase 4 collects new data and conducts iterative CFAs to more purify the scale and reassesses the psychometric properties of the scale. Phase 5 uses structural equation modeling to test the nomological validity in another data sample. All in all, the analyses reveal that consumers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns is a second-order construct encompassing three first-order dimensions (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement). The results also support the reliability, content validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, known group validity, and nomological validity of the engagement scale.The second section of this research addresses the research question two and three. Relying on self-determination theory (SDT) and various attitude theories, the second section of research develops a theoretical framework in which some main antecedents and consequences of customers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns are proposed. In other words, the theoretical framework and related hypotheses shed light on the mechanism through which consumers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns can be increased and then affect brand image. This section of research proposes five hypotheses, explains their theoretical underpinnings, and then conducts an empirical study to test the hypotheses. The results of multiple regression show that satisfying the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness in social media activation campaigns have positive relation with customers’ engagement with those campaigns. In addition, the level of customers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns has been higher among consumers who have a higher level of involvement with a brand (i.e., those having higher interest and personal relevance in relation to the brand). The results also show that there is a positive relationship between customers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns and brand image. Overall, this thesis makes some great contributions to the literature. First, it provides a robust definition for consumers’ engagement in the context of social media activation campaigns by describing in detail all dimensions of engagement with such campaigns. Second, it contributes to the literature by developing a valid and reliable measurement scale for this construct. Third, this thesis proposes and tests a novel theoretical framework which explains how marketers can increase consumers’ engagement with social media activation campaigns and how consumers’ engagement with these campaigns influences brand image
  9. Keywords:
  10. Customer Engagement ; Activation Campaign ; Social Media ; Brand Image ; Questionnaire Development ; Self-Determination Theory

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