
Synthesis and Application of Preformed Viscoelastic Hydrogels in Enhanced Oil Recovery

Aqcheli, Farzad | 2020

536 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52656 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Taghikhani, Vahid; Baghban Salehi, Mahsa
  7. Abstract:
  8. Preformed particle gels (PPGs) due to its advatantage over commonly used in situ gels has been successfully applied for controlling excess water production in mature oil reservoirs. Field results of using PPGs in oil fields shows that commonly used PPGs are highly sensitive to hard reservoir conditions such as high temperature and salinity and can not effectively block fractures and high permeability layers.Objects of this study are synthesis and evaluating performance of this novel polymer based hydrogel in oil reservoirs with high temperature and salinity. Central composite design ( which is a experiment design approach) was used for synthesizing thirteen gel samples and optimal sample was choosed by analyzing results of selling ratio tests and frequency sweep tests. Optimal sample has swelling ratio of 12 in distilled water at 25 °C and 5 in 100000 ppm saline water at 90 °C. Frequency sweep test result in linear viscoelastic region shows elastic modulus of 65000 Pa for optimal sample which is highest between all the synthesized gel samples. Investigating gel resistance versus strain for optimal sample shows it has strain bearing capacity of 414 % at 90 °C and after this point gel breakage occurs. Furthermore, SEM and FESEM test results prove presence of porous structure in optimal sample. For investigating thermal resistance of optimal sample in high temperatures, TGA and DSC tests was applied and suitable results obtained. Micromodel tests for two senarios of injecting water to fully oil saturated micromodel and injecting optimal PPG sample were implemented to investigate oil recovery factor amount in both of senarios. Results obtaind from test shows 23.86 % increase in oil revovery after PPG injection compared to water injection which shows suitable performance of PPG in blocking porous pathes in micromodel. Also effect of different weight percents of nano silicagel on tests including swelling ratio, rheological properties, TGA, DSC and XRD was investigated (conataing materials used in the synthesize of 13 samples). Micromodel tests for three samples containing nano silicagel was applied and results were compared with optimal PPG sample. Obtained oil recoveries show better performane of gels containing nano silicagels compared to optimal gel sample
  9. Keywords:
  10. Preformed Particle Gel ; Oil Recovery ; Hydrogel ; Excessive Water Production ; Water Shutoff

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