Model Predictive Controller Design for Regenerative Electronic AC Load
Akhlaghi, Sadegh | 2020
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 52698 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Zolghadri, MohammadReza
- Abstract:
- Generally, virtual loads is used to test all AC power and energy meters and are usually passive. To prevent possible damage of this heat and to control the temperature, cooling blowers are used which increases the volume and weight. So, recycling the power delivered from the grid causes a small amount of power to be converted to heat in proportion to the load efficiency. The purpose of this study is design, predictive controller model for programmable electronic regenerative AC load. The structure used is a back-to-back converter consisting of an AC-DC converter and a DC-AC converter, which according to existence of capacitance between these two structures, two converters can be controlled separately and simultaneously. Using the current model obtained from converter equations, discrete derivative definition and converter switching states, the current prediction for different horizons is investigated. And control is done by predicting the current and comparing it with the amount of needed current, which is calculated by the active power (P) and reactive power (Q) of the load. In this structure, the AC-DC converter delivers the required amount of active and reactive power from the grid and the DC-AC converter, recycles some of the delivered active power to the input by controlling the DC link voltage. At each control step, the voltage vector which have the least cost function is applied to each converter. Also, an approach to reduce calculations burden is presented whitch reduces the number of predictions from 7 to 4 in each state. The uncertainties in control parameters and their effects on the quality of input and output currents are investigated. The average load efficiency is more than 80%
- Keywords:
- Predictive Controller ; Back-to-Back Converter ; Alternative Current Load Flow ; Power Recycle ; Programmable Electronic Regenerative ; Current Model
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