
Improvement of operator position prediction in teleoperation systems with time delay: Simulation and experimental studies on Phantom Omni devices

Yazdankhoo, B ; Sharif University of Technology | 2019

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Publisher: Hashemite University , 2019
  3. Abstract:
  4. An online operator position prediction approach based on artificial neural network for teleoperation systems is proposed in this paper, which predicts future position of operator's hand based on current available data. The neural network gathers inputs for some time at the beginning of the operation, then is trained, and is finally exploited through the rest of the operation. Superiority of the proposed approach can be investigated from two aspects. Firstly, no limiting assumption is required in this approach in contrast with the proposed methods in the literature. Secondly, unknown operator intention can be dealt with in real time if it is not too sudden and unpredictable. Two different scenarios are considered in this paper: in scenario I a simple harmonic motion is both applied and predicted, whereas in scenario II not only the applied motion is more complicated, but also it is different from the motion which is supposed to be predicted. The results of the second scenario show that the designed architecture can be readily extended to a variety sort of situations in which little information exists regarding operator intention. Computer simulations and experiments using Phantom Omni haptic devices further validate the feasibility and performance of the proposed approach, i.e. master and slave robots can move simultaneously with no specific a priori knowledge about operator intention, despite large time delay in the system. © 2019 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  5. Keywords:
  6. Neural network ; Online prediction ; Operator position prediction ; Teleoperation system ; Time delay ; Forecasting ; Neural networks ; Online systems ; Phantoms ; Remote control ; Timing circuits ; Future position ; Haptic devices ; Large time delay ; Position predictions ; Priori knowledge ; Simple harmonic motion ; Teleoperation systems
  7. Source: Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ; Volume 13, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 197-205 ; 19956665 (ISSN)
  8. URL: http://jjmie.hu.edu.jo/vol-13-3/100-19-01.pdf