
High Saline Water Treatment by the Process of Membrane Distillation Combined with Solar Energy

Shokrollahi, Milad | 2020

576 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 52800 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Rajabi, Abbas; Musavi, Abbas
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this study, membrane distillation process was used for treatment of high salinity waters. The focus of this study is to simulate and build a setup of membrane distillation process. Since the membrane distillation process is based on the driving force of the temperature difference, the required temperature is provided by both the use of heaters and the use of solar energy. To increase the feed temperature by solar energy, a black polymer coating on the main membrane is used. The main membrane used in this process is PVDF polymer and the polymer coated on the surface is the PAN polymer. After simulating and constructing the laboratory setup, the influence of a variety of parameters on the process performance is investigated. When the thermal energy required by the heater is provided, the effect of temperature and flow rate parameters on the process performance was investigated and showed that by increasing the temperature to 70 ° C and feed discharge to 1 L/min under basic conditions, the membrane water flux was increased to 6 L/m2.h. On the other hand, the effect of ambient temperature, feed flow rate, sunlight intensity and module length on the MD process when the thermal energy required by sunlight is investigated. The results in this section show that by increasing feed discharge, the membrane water flux decreases and by increasing the ambient temperature parameters up to 40 ° C and the intensity of sunlight up to 17,000 W / m2, the membrane water flux increased to 0.32 and 5.6 L/m2.h, respectively. On the other hand, by increasing the module length to 45 cm, the water flux through the membrane first increases and then remains constant. The results show well that using photothermal polymer layer in the proper environmental conditions can be as efficient as a conventional MD system powered by a heater
  9. Keywords:
  10. Membrane Distillation ; Polyacrylonitrile ; Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) ; High Saline Water ; Solar Degradation

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