A Framework for the Definition, Elaboration and Optimization of Service levels in Cloud Manufacturing Network, Considering Service Composition in the Transportation and Logistics
Sabaei, Aysan | 2018
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 53081 (01)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Industrial Engineering
- Advisor(s): Fatahi Valilai, Omid
- Abstract:
- Regarding to emergence of the globalization concepts in manufacturing, technology and information technology has come to aid of the organizations to expand communication across the globe, in order that companies can overcome many of their deficiencies in this way. To achieve this goal, Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) system have been investigated, while today the CMfg is a new manufacturing paradigm and is one of the dominant concepts in manufacturing industries. Regarding to the nature of the cloud, the resources used to meet the customer demands are not necessarily concentrated in a specific geographic location, or the demand of a customer may not be satisfied with a distinct service, as a result, composition of cloud services will be required to respond to user requests. One of the most important issues in CMfg is focusing on the service composition, in which a composition of cloud services is determined to meet customer demands.Many of the issues which are related to the service composition are evaluated with regard to quality parameters such as time, cost, reliability, and recently used in energy concepts. In order to high quality of service, reasonable price, after-sales service, ordering and sending process as quickly as possible, it is based on the customer demands, concentrating on quality of service (QOS) is one of the key points that should be considered in the composition of services. One of the key parameters of quality that has a significant impact on the service level is the cost parameter. The costs defined in logistics topics are divided into two categories of long-term costs and short-term costs. In previous researches, the topic of service composition with determining cost has been investigated only in cloud and virtual systems, which, due to the nature of cloud, the costs involved are related to short-term costs. Considering the long-term cost has high impact on QOS, this thesis examines a new concept of service level with considering the long-term cost in service composition with various parts of logistics. In the end, a framework is proposed to improve the service level, taking into account long-term logistics costs in the service composition
- Keywords:
- Cloud Manufacturing ; Service Composition ; Service Level ; Logistics ; Transport
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