
Burridge-Knopoff Model with Nonuniform Parameters

Shahin, Ali | 2020

359 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53125 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Moghimi-Araghi, Saman
  7. Abstract:
  8. Power law behavior of earthquakes has been a matter of interest for many scientists. One on these power laws known as Gutenberg-Richter law describes the magnitude distribution of earthquakes. The Burridge-Knopoff model of faults, produces the same power law distribution of events as the Gutenberg-Richter law for earthquakes. Olami, Feder and Christensen in 1992, introduced a 2-D, continues sand pile model Known as OFC that displays self-organized-criticality. They claimed that this model is equivalent to Burridge-Knopoff model. It means that criticality is the origin of power law behavior of the Burridge-Knopoff model. Nevertheless, there are some evidence against criticality in the Burridge-Knopoff model. First, the cut-off of power law region in the distribution function is not a finite size effect and remains the same under changing the size of the system, in contradiction to the behavior of a system in its critical point. (We modified model in many ways to solve this problem but none of changes worked) Second, the 1-D Burridge-Knopoff model displays power law behavior, however, none of the sand pile models exhibit criticality in one dimension. Third, our computational investigations of The Burridge-Knopoff model revealed that the tension transfer in BK and OFC are not the same. For example, in OFC tension of the block goes to zero after slipping but it is not the case for the BK. In BK tension of the blocks remains near the threshold value.Finally, based on tension transfer in BK model, we mapped BK into a simple problem that is analytically solvable and our solution produces the same power laws as of BK. Accordingly, we concluded that BK might not be a SOC model
  9. Keywords:
  10. Burridge-Knopoff Model ; Earthquake ; Self Organized Criticality ; Gutenberg-Richter Law ; Seismic Behavior ; Olami-Feder-Christensen Sandpile Model

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