
Cosmic Web and the Bias of Dark Matter and Luminous Matter

Baghkhani, Zahra | 2020

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53209 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Baghram, Shant
  7. Abstract:
  8. The Standard Model ΛCDM is the simplest model that fits well with cosmic microwave background radiation observations and large-scale structures. In this model, dark matter halos form from the growth of density fluctuations and their collapse. The galaxies we see today reside in these halos and the relationship between the spatial distribution of the galaxies and the matter known as bias is important for relating observational data to theoretical models. Many methods have also been proposed to fully describe the distribution of galaxies and their clustering, but all of these methods are based on two-point functions. In this thesis, we study the spatial distribution and clustering of dark matter halos and galaxies in N-body and hydrodynamical simulation using functions that depend on all correlation functions. Using the nearest neighbor distance distribution function of the halos, we find that this function does not change in redshift and moves to greater distance for more massive halos. Another function proposed in point process to investigate structures is J function, which represents deviation of point process from Poisson point process. By finding the J function of halos, we see that this function does not change much in redshift, and in large masses, it can distinguish two simulations with the same model and different parameters. We also examine the clustering of galaxies in hydrodynamical simulation using two-point correlation function and mark correlation function and conclude that in this simulation redder, more luminous galaxies and galaxies with a larger halo mass are more clustered and color correlates more strongly with environment than luminosity. Finally, we compare the relative bias of galaxies with a specific halo mass to the relative bias of the Press-Schechter model and see that the bias of Press-Schechter model is within one standard deviation of data
  9. Keywords:
  10. Cosmological Simulation ; Dark Matter and Luminous Matter Bias ; Cosmic Web ; Cosmological Structure Formation ; Cosmology Standard Model

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