Design of an Optimal Site Deployment Procedure in Different Air-Defense Scenarios
Noori, Mohammad | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 53345 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Fathi, Mohsen
- Abstract:
- One of the most important issues among defense is the increasing of the defense power using present facilities. Therefore, optimal setting and arrangement of equipment by considering different air-to-earth attack of enemy without knowing of properties and capabilities of available systems may not be possible. So, using defense equipment considering properties of them, and paying attention to existence restrictions and effective elements can have an effective role with the design of suitable algorithm.The main purposes of this thesis are: maximization of the efficiency of a defense system against. aerial invader targets, achieving the best arrangement of defense equipment based on suggested algorithm, attaining the maximum of defense area with maximum detectable targets, providing the optimal distribution of equipment in the practical zone.It is worth to say that the present work can be considered as a foundation of further studies in the field of “optimal defense against different aviation attacks”
- Keywords:
- Algorithms Design ; Air Deffense ; Optimization Scenarios ; Moving Aerial Targets ; Dynamic Target Tracking
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