
Facilitating the Use of Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Sources Using Demand Response Taking into Account Uncertainty in Real Time Market Prices

Nikbakht Dastjerdi, Mohammad | 2020

487 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53609 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ehsan, Mehdi
  7. Abstract:
  8. With the expansion of the use of renewable photovoltaic sources in electricity generation, the problem of uncertainty in predicting the production capacity of these sources has become one of the most important challenges of power networks due to dependence on climatic conditions, which is a random and uncertain phenomenon. Eliminating or reducing the stated problem requires economic policies that hold the producers of these resources accountable for deviating from the promised products in the day-ahead market. This thesis, the first place, proposes a fuzzy-neural prediction method with minimal input information considering the speed and accuracy of the prediction, which reduces the dependence on meteorological data and reduces the prediction error. In the following, based on the current policy developments related to penalties for unfulfilled obligations of renewable generators, a reliable contract is proposed between the electricity consumer and the photovoltaic power plant. In addition to being fair, this contract has four different advantages: First, it facilitates the use of renewable resources and leads to an increase in the producer's net profit; Second, it increases the net profit of the consumer participating in the contract; Third, it offers compensation for unfulfilled obligations by introducing a less costly, non-dependent fossil fuel alternative, Finally, it increases the profits of all electricity market participants by increasing the general welfare of the electricity market and preventing real-time market price increases due to shortages on the production side. Measured data from a real power plant in Belgium were used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. The simulations were performed using MATLAB software. In the third step, this thesis examines the electricity market as a platform for the presence of renewable resources and proposes a change in the current market settlement pattern
  9. Keywords:
  10. Real-Time Market ; Demand Response ; Day-ahead Electricity Market ; Photovoltaic (PV) Power Generation ; Fuzzy-Neural Prediction ; Uncertainty in Forecasting ; Reliable Contract

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