
Experimental Study of the Effect of Liquid Fluid Injection Conditions Inside the Evaporation Tube on its Performance

Mousavi, Sina | 2020

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53751 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Morad, Mohammad Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. This reaserch is study on the performance of evaporation tubes used in mini jet engines which has been done experimentally using laboratory equipment. In this study, researchers have tried to simulate the laboratory conditions as much as possible to the real conditions inside the mini-jet engine, increase the accuracy of the results and increase the results and bring them closer to the results inside the mini-jet engine. The experiments are divided into two categories, cold and hot In cold tests, an attempt is made to study and investigate the types of two-phase flow regimes created by applying different fluid and air flow rates, and to select annular flow regimes from among them. Because these regimes increase the contact surface of the fluid with the surface of the hot pipe, it has the greatest effect on improving the performance of the evaporation tube and the process of heat transfer and liquid evaporation. Also, in these tests, three different side of fuel injection inside the pipe are used to observe the effect of increasing and decreasing the injection side in cycling and changing the flow regimes. Finally, the results obtained from this study are plotted in a graph and the boundary between the annular flow and other currents is determined. Then, in the hot test section, using the process of preheating and heating the liquid and air fluid and combining them, they are transferred into the evaporation tube through the fuel-air combination box, where they are affected by direct flames and evaporate. The rate of evaporation of liquid fluid inside the tubes is measured and the results are discussed
  9. Keywords:
  10. Internal Combustion Engines ; Two Phase Flow ; Fuel System ; Vaporization Tube ; Minijet Engines

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