
Diverse Video Captioning Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Part of Speech

Arefipour, Amir Hossein | 2020

248 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53870 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Mohammadzadeh, Narges Al Hoda; Behroozi, Hamid
  7. Abstract:
  8. In recent years, the simultaneous analysis of image and text by artificial intelligence has gained much attention. Video description is one of the topics used to help the blind, automate video content analysis, and more. This issue is usually examined in the context of supervised learning and is very similar to image description and machine translation.The proposed solutions to this problem are mainly in the framework of encoder-decoder and attention-based neural networks. Selection of various pre-trained networks to extract 2D and 3D visual features (description of objects and actions in the image), various hierarchical structures and different teaching methods (based on reinforcement learning and so on) are among the solutions of researchers in this field. The research background will be reviewed in detail.The more similar the sentences produced by the models to human sentences, the more desirable it is. Creating diversity in the produced sentences is one of the ways to make the sentences more natural, which is examined in this research. To this end, solutions based on GAN and VAE networks have been proposed so far.The proposed solution of this research is to use part of speech (POS) to train the model. In the training phase, the POS sequence of sentences is summarized by AutoEncoder (VAE) to enforce compression and normal distribution. Sentences diversity is modelled in this way, according to POS vector as one the inputs. Due to the fact that these POS vectors have a normal distribution, in the test phase, a random vector with a normal distribution is used to produce sentences with various formats. Another solution is to use sentence length in training the model, which, like the above, produces a variety of sentences.Available video description datasets usually have several different descriptions for each video. This poses a challenge in teaching the neural network model, because the simple model cannot model several different outputs at the same time, reducing the variety of sentences and producing simple sentences. The proposed solution has the advantage that in addition to video features, it also uses POS features during training, thus improving training.The results of experiments show that the proposed solutions have the ability to produce sentences with various formats with an acceptable accuracy and comparable diversity with state of the art
  9. Keywords:
  10. Video Captioning ; Sequence to Sequence Translation ; Video Captioning with Part of Speech (PoS) ; Diverse Video Captioning ; Recurrent Neural Networks

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