Stabilization and Pole-Placement by Structurally-Constrained Controllers: A Graph-Theoretic Approach
Moushaee, Pegah | 2021
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 53877 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Babazadeh, Maryam
- Abstract:
- This thesis presents a new approach to design structural output feedback controllers with stabilization and pole-placement at desired points on the S plane. It is assumed that the linear time-invariant system has no fixed mode corresponding to the specified control structure, outside the desired region of the closed-loop poles, such that the structural controller design problem is theoretically feasible. To this end, the structural output controller design problem is first transformed into a structurally equivalent problem based on the solution of a set of discrete linear programs. Then, by using the resultant structure, a new method is proposed for designing static and dynamic control loops based on convex optimization will be presented. First, based on graph theory and by extracting and solving two discrete linear optimization problems, two equivalent optimal structures are determined for the design of stabilizing and pole placement controllers. One of the optimal structures facilitate incorporation of the maximum number of edges in the maximum graph and the second one results in the lowest order of dynamic control. Next, using each of the optimal structures, static controllers are designed based on solving a convex optimization with the aim of maximizing the controllability distance, observabillity distance or weighted sum of the two metrics. Then the dynamic controllers are determined by the separated design of the reduced order observer and the state feedback controller. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed approach in terms of the ability of the pole-placement in the desired regions, the energy of the control signal, the behavior of the closed-loop system due to the disconnection and connection of control loops and changing system parameters are evaluated
- Keywords:
- Stabilization ; Convex Optimization ; Graph Theory ; Pole Placement Control ; Observability Distance ; Controllability Distance ; Structurally Constrained Controllers
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- مفاهیم مقدماتی و پیشزمینههای پژوهش
- طراحی کنترلکننده ساختاری جایاب قطب براساس نظریه گراف و بهینهسازی محدب
- شبیهسازی و تحلیل نتایج
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