
Modelling drivers' behaviour as a crash risk reduction process

Hoseini, S. M. S ; Sharif University of Technology | 2008

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering , 2008
  3. Abstract:
  4. The evermore widespread use of microscopic traffic simulation in the analysis of road systems has refocused attention on sub models, including car-following and lane-changing models. In this research a microscopic model is developed which combines car-following and lane-changing models and describes driver behaviour as a crash risk reduction process of drivers. This model has been simulated by a cellular automata simulator and compared with the real data. It has been shown that there is no reason to consider the model invalid for drivers' behaviour in the basic segments of freeways in Iran, during not-congested conditions. Considering that uncertainty of position of vehicles is caused by their acceleration or deceleration, a probability function is calibrated for calculating the presence probability of vehicles in their feasible cells. Multiplying the presence probability and impact of crash, crash risk of cells is calculated. As an application of the model, it has been shown that when difference between vehicles brake deceleration increases, the total crash risk increases
  5. Keywords:
  6. Cellular automata ; Crashworthiness ; Mathematical models ; Probability density function ; Traffic congestion ; Traffic control ; Cellular automaton ; Computer simulation ; Modeling ; Optimization ; Probability ; Risk assessment ; Travel behavior
  7. Source: Promet - Traffic - Traffico ; Volume 20, Issue 3 , Volume 20, Issue 3 , 2008 , Pages 139-146 ; 03535320 (ISSN)
  8. URL: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/996