
Linion: Enhancing Security of Processes in MicroController Embedded Systems with RTOS

Memarnejad, Mehran | 2021

357 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53918 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Computer Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Jalili, Rasool
  7. Abstract:
  8. Embedded systems are commonly used in industrial and non-industrial environments. The widespread usage of Internet and the connectivity it brings lead to the emergence of the Internet Of Things (IOT) which in turn leads to the increased usage of embedded systems. Smart things bringing intelligence to human life are just a small example of such systems.On one hand, embedded systems with a low-end processor have minimal capabilities, and on the other hand, the widespread usage of these systems make them an attractive goal for attackers. Embedded system security is not a new topic, but system connectivity over Internet and the remote access to them make this topic more important than before.Memory Corruption is one of the most common vulnerabilities in embedded systems. By exploiting them, attackers are able to control the system by injecting new code or reusing the existing one to achieve their malicious goal. To solve this problem, different solutions have been proposed that by making some assumptions, each of which provides a hardware or software solution.Linion is an efficient and software solution proposed in this thesis to limit the effects of memory corruption vulnerability in microcontroller embedded systems. By making some achievable assumptions in real world, we provide a lightweight solution for isolating processes in microcontroller embedded systems running on a realtime operating system. Using two safe and unsafe stacks and limiting the view of process in address space, Linion tries to both make each process safer and avoid other processes’ failure in case of being corrupted processes in system. The most notable achievement of Linion in comparison with similar solutions is the efficient management of peripherals which results high decrease of overhead
  9. Keywords:
  10. Embedded System ; Microcontroller ; Real Time Operating System ; Internet of Things ; Process Security

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