
Determination of Optimum Material and Thickness of Filter Based on Radiation Energy in Digital Industrial Radiography (CR) Using MCNP Monte Carlo Simulation Code

Haghizadeh, Cyrus | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54046 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Vosoughi, Naser; Rokrok, Behrouz; Movafeghi, Amir
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this study, the effect of external filter on the various parameters of image quality in digital industrial radiography by CR method for steel and aluminum piece has been investigated. The filter reduces the noise of scattered beams by absorbing the low-energy beams in the X-ray spectrum that are most likely to be scattered, but high filter thicknesses can attenuate the more energetic beams and have a negatively effect on the image quality. On the other hand, the absorption of those low-energy beams increases the average spectrum energy and thus reduce the contrast, so it is necessary to use the appropriate material and thickness of the filter. For this purpose, to examine the filter effect, a computed radiography system was simulated using the MCNPX code, and for 1, 2 and 3 cm steel and aluminum pieces, the effect of aluminum, steel, copper and lead filters on the parameters of the image quality such as noise, signal-to-noise ratio, contrast to noise ratio, modulation transfer function, spatial resolution and contrast resolution were investigated. From the results, it can be inferred that the use of external filter for X-ray tube, especially for radiography of high-thickness materials that the scattered beams were more and be included in the sensitive energy range of the imaging plates, by reducing the noise of scattered rays can have a positive effect on Noise, signal-to-noise ratio and contrast resolution and have a negative effect on the contrast and modulation transfer function of the system
  9. Keywords:
  10. Image Quality ; Filters ; Nondestructive Test ; X-ray Tube ; Industrial Computed Radiography ; Scattered Radiation ; Monte Carlo N-Particle Extended

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