Effect of Experimental Parameters on Transport of Radionuclides in Soil Column of Naeen Repository
Esmaeili Boosajin, Maliheh | 2021
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 54545 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- In Iran, the Iranian Nuclear Waste Management Company (INWMC) is responsible for safe disposal of low-level radioactive waste which results from different processes of nuclear fuel cycle and other radioactive-related activities. The safety assessment program is essential to ensure safe isolation of radioactive waste from the biosphere for long periods of time. Usually, the ground water scenario is considered as the main scenario of radionuclides migration from repository to the biological environment. Thus, it is required to measure the transport parameters of radionuclides in the porous media (soil) around the disposal site. In this research, laboratory scale columns, filled with Nain repository's soil, were used to measure the transport parameters of Co-60 at different laboratory conditions (pH and flow rate).Thin section gamma spectroscopy method was used to extract the concentration profile of the radionuclide within the soil column. Then, the equilibrium advection-dispersion equation was fitted to the experimentally-obtained data by using STANMOD (Studio for Analytical Models) software to extract the values of retardation factors/distribution coefficient inside the transport columns.The distribution coefficient at flow rate=3 were obtained as 18.2 and 16.2 at pH=7 and pH=5, respectively.At flow rate=6 and pH=7, the distribution coefficient was obtained as 13.9.The distribution coefficients obtained in this work by column method was significantly smaller (~6 times) than that obtained by the batch method
- Keywords:
- Column Experiment ; Radioactive Waste ; Scattering Coefficient ; Nuclear Waste ; Waste Management ; Retardation Factor ; Radionuclides Transport Parameters
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