Fabrication the Hydrogel Microfibers Using Bioprinter with Application in Cardiovascular Model
Heidari, Faranak | 2021
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 54598 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Saadatmand, Maryam
- Abstract:
- Cardiovascular disease (CVD) currently remains a considerable challenge for clinical treatments. CVDs account for N17.5 million deaths per year and will predictably increase to 23.6 million by 2030. The main purpose is to create human model systems to study the effect of disease mutations or drug treatment on the heart. In addition, engineered cardiac tissues are considered promising candidates to be transplanted to improve the function of diseased hearts. For engineered active tissues/organs, 3D bioprinting can fabricate complex tissue architecture with a spatiotemporal distribution of bioactive substances (cells, growth factors, and others) to better guide tissue regeneration. However, inefficient vascularization is a major challenge in engineering cardiac tissues.In this project, lattice structure of hollow microfibers in 4 layer was printed using a coaxial extrusion-based 3D bioprinter to form vasculature structure. At first, appropriate bio-ink suitable for enhancing cell morphology is synthesized. Alginate is often used in coaxial printing to construct hollow fiber structures due to its good biocompatibility, degradability, and fast ion-cross-linking property. Moreover, alginate is the most favorable hydrogel in biofabrication due to its appropriate printability. However, the deficiency of binding sites for cell attachment and migration in alginate drastically impairs the activities of entrapped cells. Decellularized humane amniotic membrane (dHAM) contains collagen Types IV, VII, and XVII, which provides cell attachment sites. Hence, owing to its ability to enhance cell attachment and proliferation, it can be an appropriate candidate for alginate deficiencies. So, a compound hydrogel by blending various ratios of alginate and dHAM was made. Then, different analyses have been done to gain an optimal compound. Finally, we selected dHAM1-Alg10 (dHAM/ Alginate w/w ratio) as an optimal hydrogel to print a 3D vasculature structure owing to its printability, appropriate swelling and degradation rate, high porosity (%72.665±2.1), suitable pore size (41.36±8µm), appropriate degradation rate (61.8±2.4%) which suits secretion of new ECM and regeneration of vascular, and proper mechanical strength (Young’s module= 50.65±1.7 KPa) which suit myocardium tissue.
- Keywords:
- Bio-Printing ; Alginate ; Heart Diseases ; Cardiovascular Model ; Hollow Microchannel ; Acellular Amniotic Membrane ; Coaxial Nozzle
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