
Proposing a Two-Stage Stochastic Model and a Heuristic Solution Method for a Green Supply Chain Location-Routing Problem with Stochastic Demand Considering Time Windows

Tayebi, Ali | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54899 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Rafiee, Majid
  7. Abstract:
  8. Location-routing problems are a class of well-known supply chain problems. the purpose of these problems are to locate depots, assign customers to the located depots, and to determine the routes in a way to minimize the costs of the supply chain.In the past two decades, with a rise in environmental problems including air pollution, green location-routing problems have been introduced and studied, problems in which environmental aspects such as air pollution have been considered.In this study, first, we model a two-stage stochastic green location routing problem; this problem includes a certain number of cities that each represent a customer. the locations of the cities are known and each city is a potential location to locate a depot. in this problem we seek to locate a certain number of depots, assign customers to depots, and determine routes to serve customers; we've defined the vehicle speeds as a decision variable, included the time-window constraints, and considered demands as the source of uncertainty. the goal of this problem is to minimize the total costs of the supply chain including depot costs and fuel consumption costs.Next, due to the complexity of location-routing problems and difficulties of solving such problems with exact methods using typical optimization softwares, we propose an alternative heuristic solution method based on decomposition; we use the python environment to model and implement the solution method.After modeling the problem and implementing the solution method, we test the solution method on a set of data obtained from a previous study and we analyze the results; by using the proposed solution method, we managed to obtain feasible solutions in relatively short time; solutions that have total depot costs at its lowest possible and near-optimal average speeds of vehicles
  9. Keywords:
  10. Location-Routing Problem (LRP) ; Green Supply Chain ; Stochastic Demand ; Stochastic Programming ; Time Window ; Time Window Constraints

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