
Automatic Generation of On-demand Test as a Web Service (TaaWS) for Web-Based Service-Oriented Applications

Habibi, Elahe | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54960 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Computer Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Mirian Hosseinabadi, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Service-Oriented Architecture is a technology of designing software systems. By using this architecture new challenges appeared for software testing. Functional testing of services assures the quality of service-oriented applications. In this paper, we introduce a new test web service namely TaaWS (Test as a Web Service) combined of both online testing and testing as a service to overcome SOA testing challenges. Each web service can have its test web service. So the consumer can call TaaWS to assure the correctness of the web services used in the application. TaaWS consists of semantical and structural test cases extracted from the extended-attribute grammar of the web service called Method-Based Attribute Grammar (MBAG). MBAG is created in five steps that include defining the input/output variables, creating sections in the web method and applying rules to specify conditions and operations on the attributes. In addition, a new coverage criterion is introduced for applying on MBAG to extract test cases. Using TaaWS, we have applied the semantic and structural test cases on the personalIDCode web method as a case study. In this Technical Report, we also introduce Sharif-TaaWS as a tool helped to automate our proposal. Sharif-TaaWS is a developed program automated MBAG generation steps, test cases and TaaWS creation. . Sharif-TaaWS has three modules including Initializer, MBAG generator, and TaaWS creator. These modules scan and parse the web service source code through the scan grammar, generate MBAG, and create test cases in TaaWS. For the evaluation of TaaWS, other functional testing techniques have compared to our method by measuring the effectiveness of the test cases (ETC Value). This Value is shown that TaaWS has more ability to find faults than other techniques. We evaluate our proposed tool with the two types of web services as SUTs. Sharif-TaaWS is compared with other unit testing tools through the response time, test case generation, and report preparation time using three kinds of servers. The results showed that in 70% of cases, the Sharif –TaaWS tool has better results in detecting unique faults compared to its counterpart tool. Also, the test cases generation time using parallel programing is more than 50% less than this time in other tools. We propose that TaaWS has advantages such as creating both semantical and structural test cases through extended-attribute grammar, detecting changes in web services, running regression tests and managing test results to inform the consumer. However, TaaWS has a drawback. The response time to the user may increase through calling TaaWS
  9. Keywords:
  10. Web Services ; Service-Oriented ; Online Test ; Functional Test ; Test as a Web Service ; Attribute Grammar ; Online Test

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