Dynamic Optimization of Ship Fuel Consumption Considering Time-varying Environmental Factors and Working Condition
Ranjbar, Nader | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55077 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Khorasanchi, Mahdi; Mehdigholi, Hamid
- Abstract:
- The employment of strategies with low operational and capital investment to reduce ship's voyage costs is gaining considerable attention. With rising fuel prices, shipping companies are concerned with the increase of fuel costs of the ships. In this research, the smart steaming strategy, including the simultaneous optimization of ship's sailing route and speed, is proposed as an efficient alternative for the slow steaming to minimize ships' fuel consumption and voyage costs. By implementing the smart steaming strategy, ships owners can ensure that the ship sails at the optimal and safe sailing route and reaches the destination port on time. In addition, the proposed shipping strategy can provide a detailed analysis of the impact of increasing voyage time by implementing just in time arrival concept on total ship's voyage cost in the presence of access to the destination port timing. This study takes advantage of a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm (MPSO) to achieve global optima of the voyage optimization problem. Finally, a case study is conducted to indicate the effectiveness of the smart steaming strategy in two diffrents sailing areas. The proposed strategy reduced the total voyage cost in a harsh sailing environment by about 6.8% and in a normal sailing environment by about 2.7%. Also, the significant effect of implementing just in time arrival concept on the total voyage cost and fuel consumption is analyzed in this paper
- Keywords:
- Gas Propagation ; Greenhouse Gases ; Trajectory Optimization ; Ship Voyage Optimization ; Speed Optimization ; Pollutants Dispersion
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