Impacts of Urban Design on Air Pollution Case Study of Tehran
Daneshpajooh, Nooshin | 2021
- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55079 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Arhami, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- This study aims to investigate the effects of urban design and development on Tehran's air quality in calm conditions. Known strategies such as bright roofs and facades, urban development, and modification of the building density are in the focus. The WRF model coupled with Single-Layer Urban Canopy and Building Effects Parametrization canopy schemes were used to predict weather parameters. SMOKE and CMAQ models computed the concentration of pollutants in the city. Urban canopy schemes had correlation coefficients and an index of accordance of about 0.9 and the mean bias was lower than 2. Wind prediction had a lower correlation. The BEP scheme reduced the mean bias for temperature and improved wind and concentration prediction.In the urban development scenario, land use of a non-urban part of Tehran had changed to urban and the emission of particulate pollutants and CO in that area increased by 41% and 34%, respectively. The mentioned changes, alter the energetic and radiative properties of the urban surface. The temperature has increased by 1.8 °C and the wind speed has decreased by 44%. Although the concentration of pollutants increased on some days, the average concentrations of CO and PM2.5 decreased by 6.4% and 6.5%, respectively.An increase in surface reflectivity, decreased the average temperature and wind speed of the city by 0.2 °C and ~20%, respectively. These changes led to a reduction in mixing layer height and an increase in NO2 and PM2.5 average concentration by 51.7% and 23.4%. Increasing the NOx concentration led to a decrease in O3 concentration by 48.1%.The effect of decreased building density is less. The prevalence of northern local currents during the day led to a reduction of the pollutants concentration in the northeastern part of the city. The average concentration of NO2 and PM2.5 increased to 1.1% and 5.1%, respectively, and the concentration of O3 decreased by 14.4%.
- Keywords:
- Air Pollution ; Tehran ; Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ) ; Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)Modeling System ; Urban Canopy Model ; Urban Structure
- محتواي کتاب
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- فهرست جدولها
- فهرست شکلها
- فهرست علائم و اختصارات
- فصل1 : مقدمه و بیان مسئله
- فصل2 مرور مطالعات پیشین
- فصل3 مبانی نظری
- 3-1 توسعه شهری
- 3-2 آب و هوای شهر
- 3-3 کیفیت هوای شهر
- 3-4 انواع مدلسازی آلودگی هوا
- 3-5 مدل WRF
- 3-6 مدلسازی لایه سایبان شهری در مدل WRF
- 3-7 مدل SMOKE
- 3-8 مدل CMAQ
- 3-9 مدلسازی معکوس و اصلاح سیاهه انتشار
- 3-10 مدل FLEXPART
- فصل4 روش پژوهش
- فصل5 نتایج و بحث
- فصل6 جمع بندی و ارائه پیشنهادها
- منابع یا مراجع
- پیوست1 : نیم لیست WPS
- پیوست2 : نیم لیست WRF
- پیوست3 : کاربری زمین USGS
- پیوست4 : طبقه بندی خودروها و ضرایب بوتلر
- پیوست5 : گونهبندی