Global Control of Hybrid Microgrids Using MIMO Control
Mirmohammad Meiguni, Marzieh Sadat | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55221 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mokhtari, Hossein
- Abstract:
- Given the growing advantage of exploiting renewable energy resources over fossil fuels and using distributed generation systems, microgrids seem to be the best solution for reaching the energy-efficient world of the future. Hybrid microgrids are the best options among all other types of microgrids because they make it possible to use AC and DC sources and loads together and at the same time. Since connecting AC and DC sections of a hybrid microgrid leads to the interaction between them, proper control of interlinking converter(s) is crucial for the reliable and stable operation of the entire microgrid. In this study, small signal model of a hybrid AC/DC microgrid consisting of static and dynamic loads in the AC section and energy storage systems like battery and supercapacitor in the DC section is presented. Then, the impact of a decrease in the load exchange of the interconnecting converter on the voltage quality of its connected AC bus is studied by simulation of a sample hybrid AC/DC microgrid in MATLAB/SIMULINK.Finally, a multivariable controller based on LQR method is designed to control the interconnected converter and improve the microgrid performance. The performance of this controller is evaluated with simulations
- Keywords:
- Voltage Control ; Multivariable Control ; Voltage Stability ; Hybrid Alternative current-Direct current (AC-DC)Microgrid ; Interlinking Converter ; Multiple Input-Multiple Output (MIMO)Controller
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