Design and real-time experimental implementation of gain scheduling PID fuzzy controller for hybrid stepper motor in micro-step operation
Selk Ghafari, A ; Sharif University of Technology | 2004
- Type of Document: Article
- Publisher: 2004
- Abstract:
- In this paper, design and real time experimental implementation of Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of PID controller for Hybrid Stepper Motor in Micro-stepping operation is described that was developed to track the desired positioning problem. The control problems characterized by mathematical models exhibit significant nonlinearity and uncertainty. Good performance of proposed Fuzzy PID controller are shown
- Keywords:
- Three-term control ; Magnetic circuits ; Control systems ; Automatic control ; Nonlinear control systems ; Control nonlinearities ; Fuzzy logic ; Open loop systems ; Micromotors ; Fuzzy control
- Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 2004, ICM'04, Istanbul, 3 June 2004 through 5 June 2004 ; 2004 , Pages 421-426 ; 0780385993 (ISBN)
- URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1364476