
Synthesis and Investigation of Hybrid Nanoparticles Based on Metal-Organic Framework on the Properties of Polymeric Coatings

Dabaleh, Amin | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55320 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Shojaei, Akbar; Molavi, Hossein; Nematollahzadeh, Ali
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this study, MOF / PAN hybrid nanoparticles have been used as active anti-corrosion inhibitors for the first time. At first, UIO-66, PANI, and hybrid nanoparticles were synthesized based on different weight percentages of UIO-66. Their functional groups, crystal structure, nanoparticle morphology, porosity structure, stability and thermal performance were investigated using FT-IR, XRD, FE-SEM, BET, and TGA analyses, respectively. The type of nanoparticle structure formation was investigated by TEM images. The particle size distribution along with their surface charge was determined using DLS analysis. Inhibitory properties of nanoparticles were evaluated by TOEFL polarization method and EIS analysis in 3.5% NaCl solution in two states: (a) the solution phase, in which the nanoparticles extract has been used with a concentration of 1 g/lit, and, (b) the scratched coating phase containing 0.15% (w/w) (the minimum possible amount) of inhibitors in the matrix Epoxy. In the solution phase of the extract containing the H25 inhibitor, it showed a 60% inhibitory value after 24 hours of immersion. In the coating phase, coatings containing H25 and H50 hybrid inhibitors have 170% and 155% inhibition at optimal times of 5 and 3 hours, respectively. Then, the surface morphology of the coatings was investigated by FE-SEM, and the results also showed the formation of inhibitor films on the scratched areas, which increased the strength of the coatings. EDS analysis also confirmed the results obtained by EIS analysis
  9. Keywords:
  10. Conductive Polymer ; Metal-Organic Framework ; Self Healing System ; Self-Healing Coatings ; Hybrid Inhibitors ; Polymer Coating ; Hybrid Nanoparticles

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