Investigating of Linear and Nonlinear Propagation of Plasmon Polariton Waves in Hybrid Plosmonic System
Sadri, Hadiseh | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55417 (04)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Physics
- Advisor(s): Sadighi Bonabi, Rasoul
- Abstract:
- In this study, how to create spectral singularity in amplitude and phase in the proposed hybrid system and controllable propagation of plasmon waves of nonlinear polaritons has been investigated. For this purpose, a nonlinear hybrid system consisting of an atomic layer and a metamaterial layer is investigated. The atomic layer can be a gaseous system like rubidium atoms that are cooled to few Kelvin by magnetic systems,or these atoms can be thought of as charged particles that are impurity doped into a clear crystal and cooled to a temperature of a few Kelvin.This quantum system is placed on a metamaterial layer in the form of Al2O3 which has a nano-fishnet structure.This frequency singularity will be very effective in creating coherent amplified light (nano-laser), the ideal plasmonic coherent absorber and the simultaneous operation of the coherent laser-absorber. We use this model to create plasmonic one-way switches, very fast fuzzy and amplitude modulators, and so on. On the other hand, the controlled emission of surface polaritons has led to the creation of new devices such as nanolysers, subwave diodes and very fast fuzzy and amplitude modulators,which has a great impact on the advancement of technology in very small dimensions.Steps of implementation The proposed system for this project is an atomic system coupled with costly cyclic laser fields and temporal-spatial coherence. Razinah ring lasers have very narrow frequency bands that are still almost unrivaled. In addition, the frequency of these lasers is regulated by electro-optical resistors. This atomic system is located on top of a metamaterial layer, and we assume that this layer has very little ohmic loss at the frequency amplified by the bipolar atomic transition.By changing the amplitude and frequency of the laser fields, we will be able to change the optical properties of the atoms at the metamaterial level. This change will be such that the refractive index of the plasmon system is modulated specifically based on spatial variations. .We find that these specific changes cause frequency singularity, and ultimately this singularity leads to the observation of the laser, the plasmonic coherent absorber, and the simultaneous operation of the laser-coherent absorber. Therefore, the dissertation steps can be summarized as follows:1- Modeling the atomic system and adapting it to the anemic systems available in the laboratory. 2- Optimizing the frequency and intensity of laser fields and their radiation with the atomic system. 3- Investigating the interaction of paired lasers and plasmon hybrid system and observing the dynamics of laser exploration and creating frequency singularity of expected results 4- Investigating the possibility of stable and controllable propagation of plasmon waves of nonlinear surface polaritons in the proposed system It is expected that after completing this dissertation, he designed a plasmon hybrid system based on the constructive and destructive interference of two polaritonic waves in two linear and non-linear operating systems, using it as a nanolyser and plasmon coherent adsorbent. It is possible to produce a plasmon laser of several hundred microwatts with an efficiency of 30%
- Keywords:
- Plasmon Nanolasers ; Fuzzy Singularity ; Spectral Singularity ; Coherent Perfect Absorber ; Linear Surface Polaritons
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