Spread-space holographic CDMA technique: Basic analysis and applications
Abtahi, M ; Sharif University of Technology | 2002
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1109/7693.994825
- Publisher: 2002
- Abstract:
- In this paper, we analyze the basic principles of the spread-space holographic code division multiple access (CDMA) technique. We describe the structure of the encoder and decoder and present a basic mathematical analysis based on spatial harmonic decomposition for the receiver's processing module, which is comprised of a Fourier transform lens and a holographic matched filter. Subsequently, we study two applications of optical holographic CDMA, namely, free-space holographic CDMA photonic switch and free-space (wireless) multiaccess optical (infrared) indoor communications. For both techniques, we describe the two-dimensional imaging techniques, namely user's code transmission, and highlight the basic parameters and components that need to be optimized. To obtain the bit-error rate (BER) of the proposed application, we first evaluate the probability density function of multiuser interference and then evaluate the BER as a function of the processing gain, number of users, the received power, and the optimum threshold. For BER ≈ 10 -9, the result shows an extraordinary number of users that can be supported via holographic CDMA, for both applications. © 2002 IEEE
- Keywords:
- Holographic code division multiple access ; Infrared wireless indoor ; Optical code division multiple access ; Photonic switch ; Spread-space technique
- Source: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ; Volume 1, Issue 2 , 2002 , Pages 311-321 ; 15361276 (ISSN)
- URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/994825