On the smallest edge defining sets of graphs
Akbari, S ; Sharif University of Technology | 2002
- Type of Document: Article
- Publisher: 2002
- Abstract:
- For a given sequence of nonincreasing numbers, d = (d1, . . ., dn a necessary and sufficient condition is presented to characterize d when its realization is a unique labelled simple graph. If G is a graph, we consider the subgraph G′ of G with maximum edges which is uniquely determined with respect to its degree sequence. We call the set of E(G)/E(G′) the smallest edge defining set of G. This definition coincides with the similar one in design theory
- Keywords:
- Source: Ars Combinatoria ; Volume 63 , 2002 , Pages 293-303 ; 03817032 (ISSN)