
Robust stability and dynamic analysis of a special type of floating offshore structure

Esmailzadeh, E ; Sharif University of Technology | 2001

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Publisher: 2001
  3. Abstract:
  4. A comprehensive dynamic model of a catenary anchor leg mooring system has been developed and the governing equations of notion were derived. The equations of motion are found to be nonlinear parametric ordinary differential ones of the order two. The necessary and sufficient conditions, for the existence of a stable periodic response of this system, were found using the Green's function and Schauder's fixed-point theorem. The validity of the assumptions has been fully demonstrated with a few case studies. Results obtained from the dynamic modeling reiterate the presence of inherently nonlinear and time-varying characteristics of the system and hence a stability condition in terms of the physical and environment parameters of the system must be sought
  5. Keywords:
  6. Source: 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, NY, 11 November 2001 through 16 November 2001 ; Volume 111 , 2001 , Pages 211-216 ; 15214613 (ISSN)
  7. URL: https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/IMECE/proceedings-abstract/IMECE2001/35487/211/1123857?redirectedFrom=PDF