Design of bolted joints in pressure vessels by dynamic modelling
Ghorashi, M ; Sharif University of Technology | 2001
- Type of Document: Article
- Publisher: 2001
- Abstract:
- The dynamic behavior of a closure bolting system was predicted using a spring-mass-damper model. The loading was assumed to be an initially peaked, exponentially decaying internal pressure pulse acting on the closure. It was observed that optimal pre-stress values that minimized the peak bolt deformation and stress, existed for relatively high levels of applied force and low pre- stress
- Keywords:
- Bolt design ; Closure lift-off ; Damping effect ; Dynamic loading ; Optimal pre-load
- Source: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vienna, 19 September 2001 through 21 September 2001 ; 2001 , Pages 123-124 ; 0948749768 (ISBN)
- URL: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/eng-2019-0031/html?lang=en