
Analysis of Seismic Vulnerability Reduction Policies of Residential Buildings Using a Multi-agent Evolutionary Game Model Based on Prospect Theory

Hosseini, Ahmad | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55519 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Kashani, Hamed
  7. Abstract:
  8. Due to the vulnerability of urban fabric and residential buildings to earthquakes and considering its destructive social and economic effects on society, the need to adopt appropriate policies to prevent and reduce vulnerability, has been increasingly considered by policy makers. Despite the laws, regulations, incentives and penalties that policymakers have envisioned to prevent unprincipled and unsafe construction, evidence shows that a significant number of new buildings being built in the country are not earthquake resistant and there are many violations in design, implementation and supervision that is done by the stakeholders. To solve this problem, research has been done on the behavior and reaction of each player to policies. However, one of the gaps in previous research and models has been to study the behavior of stakeholders and their utility on an individual basis, while in reality , The utility and choices of the stakeholders are influenced by other stakeholders and the interaction of the players' choices with each other should be considered. To solve this problem, the behavior of stakeholders can be modeled with evolutionary game theory. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision-making process and behavior of stakeholders in construction projects, including government, project owner, construction contractor and the relationship between them under the model of evolutionary game theory. The main factors influencing the strategies of the players in a three-player evolutionary game are examined, and then the sustainable evolutionary strategy and the conditions of stability are analyzed. Also, considering the limitations of the rationality of the players and in order to cover the weakness of game theory in this case, prospect theory is used in the model and at the end, by numerical simulation, the effectiveness of the proposed method is examined. Based on the results, the government should give priority to making construction stakeholders aware of the benefits of resistant construction as well as the severe losses of non-resistant construction, and besides that, determining penalties and fines for non-resistant construction and granting subsidies and incentives for resistant construction is very effective.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Evolutionary Game Theory ; Prospect Theory ; Seismic Resilience ; Seismic Vulnerability ; Residential Buildings ; Infrastructure Resilience

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