
Design and Fabrication of Ultrasonic Level-meter System

Tavoosi, Ali | 2022

154 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55544 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein; Salarieh, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. In many industries, including oil and gas industries, power plants, refineries, petrochemicals, steel and cement industries, industrial complexes and consumer industries, there are tanks for storing materials. It is necessary to measure level of products while they are stored in tanks of different sizes. Ultrasonic is one of the non-contact and accurate measurement technologies that can provide a suitable solution for liquid tank monitoring. The purpose of this thesis is to design and build the electronic parts (transmitter and receiver circuits) of an ultrasonic system that is capable of detecting levels at a distance of less than 5 meters with an accuracy of 0.5 % full scale. In this thesis, a 50 kHz ultrasonic transducer will be used for experiments and it is possible to change the frequency for this system using keys and LCD for different applications. The circuit design has been done with the help of TUSS4440 integrated circuit, which has high capabilities such as creating different number of pulses, amplifying the received signal up to 86 dB and having 3 different types of outputs. In the end of this thesis, the tests and results obtained from them will be declared. To reduce the noise of this system, we have done some tasks such as applying moving average on the final result, placing a low-pass filter, and averaging on several samples received signal. The final system of this thesis can detect objects up to a distance of 5 meters with an accuracy of 0.16% of the maximum distance. Also, repeatability of this system is 0.0.48% of the maximum distance, which is higher than our expectations.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Analog to Digital Converter ; Ultrasonic Level Meter ; Temperature Compensator ; Ultrasonic Transducer ; Ultrasonic Transmitter and Receiver Circuit ; Transient Time Method

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