
Experimental Study of Spray Pattern of Two Impinging Jets of Non-Newtonian Gel Fluid Containing Aluminum Nanoparticles

Jafari, Maryam | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55670 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Kebriaee, Azadeh
  7. Abstract:
  8. In most of the studies conducted on the physics of the outflow from impinging jet injectors, Newtonian fluids have been used for their research and experiments. These studies have investigated the effect of factors such as geometrical parameters of the injector and physical properties of the fluid on different regimes resulting from the impact of the jet stream; Unfortunately, very few studies have been conducted on how to form spray and atomization in gel non-Newtonian fluids containing nanoparticles to investigate the above factors when using impinging jet injectors. Furthermore, although the addition of nanoparticles has advantages for better combustion, there are still problems in understanding the spray formation and atomization of gel materials containing nanoparticles. For this reason and considering the increasing importance of gel propellants as well as the widespread use of impinging jet injectors in aerospace applications, in this research, the method of spraying and atomizing a non-Newtonian gel fluid containing aluminum nanoparticles using an impinging jet injector has been investigated quantitatively and qualitatively. The intended fluid in this non-Newtonian experiment with shear thinning properties contains different weight percentages of aluminum nanoparticles and the shadowgraphy method was used to record the images. In the qualitative investigation, four spray patterns including the chain regime, closed rim (stable and unstable), open and fully developed rim were identified according to the Reynolds number developed by the power law model and the Weber number of the jets, and in the quantitative investigation, the length and width of the liquid sheet break were measured and its changes compared to the Reynolds number were investigated. In addition to the effect of Reynolds number, the effect of the two jets impact angle parameters and the concentration of aluminum nanoparticles on the spray patterns, and the length and width of the liquid sheet fracture were investigated. The results showed that by increasing the impact angle of the two jets, the width of the sheet increases significantly and the droplet production rate increases. Also, with the increase in the concentration of aluminum nanoparticles in non-Newtonian gel fluid, sheet fracture regimes are formed in the lower Reynolds number range, and the length and width of the liquid sheet are reduced
  9. Keywords:
  10. Spray ; Impinging Jet ; Atomization ; Non-Newtonian Fluids ; Aluminum Nanoparticles

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