
The Investigation and Tracking of Dust Particles and Their Properties over Hamoun Lake and the Aral Sea

Goftari, Ehsan | 2023

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56147 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Moghim, Sanaz
  7. Abstract:
  8. Dry bed of lakes and surrounding areas play an important role in dust production. This work tries to develop an Aerosol Type Detection Index for the two regions of Lake Hamon in Sistan, Iran, and the Aral Sea in Central Asia. Using the parameters of Extinction Coefficient and Depolarization Ration of CALIPSO satellite, the proposed index differentiates and categorizes fine dust particles and clouds according to the physical behavior of each in absorbing and backscattering satellite rays. This index shows values between zero and 0.15 for desert dust and -0.3 to zero for polluted desert dust particles. In order to verify the accuracy of determining the type of particles by the proposed index, the classification of particles by the Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom coefficient of each area as well as the Brightness Temperature Difference are used. In order to determine the areas with the potential to create dust storms around both lakes, the wind speed profile and airflow modeling in these areas have been investigated. In this way, the north, northeast, and west areas of Hamon Lake, as well as the north, northwest, west, and south areas of the Aral Sea, have been introduced as potential centers for dust production. Further, by examining the hydroclimatic parameters of Hamon and the Aral Sea, a close relationship between wind speed and dust increase has been observed; By analyzing the results, a time interval of several hours to two days between wind-blowing and dust storms in the Aral region has been determined. The results of the modeling of hydroclimatic parameters also show the improvement effects of increasing the water area of Aral and Hamon lakes on the reduction of dust events in the coming years. The Aerosol Type Detection Index that was developed in this research can reduce the dependence on different parameters of fine dust to detect the occurrence of dust, the type of particles, and the distinction between aerosol and cloud. This index alongside the proposed regions around both lakes can be used in line with dust and water resources management policies
  9. Keywords:
  10. Remote Sensing ; Hamun Lake ; Climate Change ; Dust Storm ; Aerosol Type Detection Index ; Aral Sea

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