Boundary Layer Control of an Incompressible Turbulent Flow over an Airfoil, Using Quasi-spherical Surface Structures
Norouzi, Shayan | 2023
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 56197 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Javadi, Khodayar; Taeibi Rahni, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- Boundary layer control has long been and still is considered to reduce drag. In this research, the effect of quasi-spherical structures on the control of boundary layer is investigated. First, flow over a NACA0015 airfoil was investigated. Then, flow over the same airfoil with quasi-spherical bumps on its upper surface was numerically simulated and the result of these two situations were compared. The dimensions and numbers of the bumps in longitudinal and lateral directions (different case studies) were chosen using trial and error. The three-dimensional, incompressible, and turbulent flow governing equations were numerically solved, using FVM and the OpenFOAM software. To get preliminary results, the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach with k-ω SST turbulence model was used. Then, large eddy simulation (LES) approach with WALE turbulence model was implemented to obtain more accurate results. The results show that drag is reduced while lift is increased only when bumps are located near the trailing edge (separation region). Note, in all other cases studied lift to drag ratio is decreased
- Keywords:
- Drag Reduction ; Reynolds Average Navier-Stocks (RANS)Method ; Large Eddy Simulation (LES) ; Surface Structure Vibration ; OpenFOAM Software ; Quasi-Spherical Bumps ; Boundary Layer Control
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- فصل 4 :
- ۱-۴ نتایج شبیهسازیها
- ۱-۱-۴ شبیهسازیهای RANS
- ۲-۱-۴ شبیهسازیهای LES
- بررسی ناپایایی جریان
- میانگین زمانی ضرایب نیروهای آیرودینامیکی
- نمایش گردابههای صفحه عمود بر محور z و تأثیر برآمدگیها
- بررسی میانگین زمانی جریان ناپایا
- نمایش گردابهها در صفحههای عمود بر محور x
- نمایش گردابهها در صفحههای عمود بر محور y
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- نمایش نحوه آشفته شدن جریان به کمک معیار کیو
- بررسی جریان نزدیک دیوار
- بررسی نوسانهای ضریب برآ
- ۱-۴ نتایج شبیهسازیها
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