
Main System Investigation of Turbocharged Diesel Engine During Performance Upgrade

Norouzi, Jasem | 2023

265 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56289 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hajilouy Benisi, Ali; Nouri Broujerdi, Ali
  7. Abstract:
  8. The internal combustion engine power is determined by the amount of fuel effectively burned inside the engine cylinders. On the other hand, the fuel consumption is proportional to the air mass that enters the cylinders in each cycle. Conventionally, incoming the engine inlet air is at ambient conditions. However, with higher air density, the engine power increases for the same dimensions, so-called turbocharging. Although the engine's structure remains unchanged, it may be necessary to adjust the main systems of the engine simultaneously. This research investigated maximizing the power of a turbocharged diesel engine based on upgrading the degree of turbocharging. For this purpose, the EM355 turbocharged diesel engine from Idem Company was selected as a case study. The simulation of the engine was performed using GT-Power software, and experimental data validated the results. Then, the Engine main systems, including cooling, Lubricating, air supply, exhaust gas discharge, fuel, and combustion, were modeled and analyzed. According to the results, to achieve a 27 % increase in engine power, which is accompanied by a 5 % reduction in specific fuel consumption, the cooling system needs to be upgraded, while other systems remain nearly unchanged. Among several components of the cooling systems, such as the radiator, fan, pump, ..., changing the radiator is the most effective way to achieve a suitable condition with a maximum coolant temperature below 95 degrees Celsius
  9. Keywords:
  10. Turbocharged Diesel Engine ; GT-Power Software ; Engine Coolant ; Specific Fuel Consumption ; Experimental Data ; Maximizing the Power ; Diesel Engine Upgrade

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