
Using Simulation-Optimization Approach for Fire Station Location and Vehicle Assignment Problem: a Case Study in Tehran, Iran

Pirmohammadi, Ali | 2023

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56307 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Amini, Zahra
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this research, the problem of locating fire stations and allocating equipment has been studied and a simulation-optimization approach has been presented to solve the problem. The mathematical models of this research were developed based on the idea of the randomness of the covered demand and the maximum expected coverage model. In these models, the issue of non-availability of equipment to cover accidents, the random nature of accidents, various fire incidents and the equipment needed to cover them are considered. Two mathematical models with deterministic and non-deterministic approach with different scenarios for demand are proposed. The non-deterministic model is developed with the aim of providing a guarantee for the performance of the system in different conditions. Also, in this research, a discrete-event simulation model for the fire service system is presented. The simulation model is used to evaluate the system performance and also used in the proposed solution method. The proposed method of this research has been implemented for the Tehran firefighting system at different budget levels, and the system performance improvement results have been calculated for optimal solution of both deterministic and non-deterministic models. The value of the objective function, which is the expected demand coverage, is very close in two deterministic and non-deterministic mathematical models. For further investigation, a simulation experiment has been carried out with the correlated sampling method. This experiment aimed to examine the difference between the performance of a system and its statistical significance when considering both deterministic and non-deterministic model optimal solutions. After calculating the 95% confidence interval, the optimal solution of the non-deterministic model is significantly better than the deterministic model in more than 90% of incidents
  9. Keywords:
  10. Location-Allocation Model ; Simulation Optimization ; Fire Station Location-Allocation Problems ; Fire Resue Services ; Tehran City ; Deterministic Model

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