Design and Developing the Production Know-How of Large Servo-Hydraulic Valves
Khalili, Mahsa | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43750 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Durali, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- The focus of this project was on gaining the knowledge of design characteristics and manufacturing of a hydraulic servo valve. Hence, in the first stage, the model of the valve was considered. After investigating the important parameters which influence the performance of the valve, the effect of each parameter on the valve's efficiency was examined. One of the most important characteristics of the valve is the amount of lapping between the spool and sleeve. Numerical analysis was done and all the characteristic curves were elicited. Equations governing the dynamics of the plant including a servo valve, servo actuator and dynamic model of the turbine and waterway were presented. Then the model was implemented in Simulink, MATLAB. By designing appropriate controller and setting the coefficients, plant’s response was observed. By considering different amount of lapping between spool and control ports, system response, including turbine’s revolution was also examined and compared in different cases. It has been proved that control goals can be achieved by using of optimum control coefficients. The results of this work gives positive indications that access to the technology of constructing servo valves for power plant applications are successfully possible
- Keywords:
- Servohydraulic Valve ; Characteristic Curve ; Dynamic Modeling ; Position Control ; Nonlinear Control