Imaging Through a Scattering Medium Using Microwave Frequency
Ebrahimi Vishki, Mohammad Reza | 2023
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 56727 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Kavehvash, Zahra
- Abstract:
- Radio waves can penetrate through walls and various scattering environments, allowing us to communicate with mobile phones within buildings or use wireless waves to transfer data from one room to another despite physical obstacles. Radio signals, especially at lower frequencies, are highly effective in traversing such environments. However, the ability to penetrate walls does not imply the ability to "see through" them. In this thesis, we focus on examining the development and improvement of imaging techniques in the presence of walls. The aim is to present the concept of imaging through walls in a comprehensible manner for researchers and enthusiasts, facilitating the development and optimization of these techniques to enhance the quality of future work. Previous works in this field have often concentrated on detecting the presence of objects or individuals behind walls, with image reconstruction quality generally being low, often relying on learning algorithms for image visualization. The proposed solution in this thesis to enhance quality, involves utilizing a model for the wall and increasing the system's operating frequency to achieve higher accuracy and clarity. Initially, image reconstruction formulas in the imaging domain are explored, followed by a method to model the wall. This method calculates the phase change induced in the wave by the presence of the wall, incorporating this value into image reconstruction formulas
- Keywords:
- Millimeter Wave ; Antenna Array ; Millimeter-Wave Imaging ; Microwave Imaging ; Scattering Medium ; Through the Wall Imaging (TWI) ; Imaging with Wall in the Medium ; Microwave Frequency Imaging
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- چکیده
- فهرست جدولها
- فهرست تصویرها
- فصل اول: مقدمه
- فصل2 فصل دوم: تصویربرداری موجمیلیمتری
- فصل3 فصل سوم: تصویربرداری با وجود دیوار
- فصل4 فصل چهارم: روابط بازسازی و تئوری سیستم های تصویربرداری موجمیلیمتری
- فصل5 فصل پنجم: روش ارائه شده جهت تصویربرداری با وجود دیوار
- فصل6 فصل ششم: بهرهگیری از روش ارائهشده جهت شبیهسازی در محیط با وجود دیوار
- منابع و مراجع