Investigation of Two-phase Flow Behavior to Determine Fracture Relative Permeability in the Models of Fractured Porous Media: Experimental and Simulation Study
Sadeghnejadi, Milad | 2024
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 57001 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein
- Abstract:
- The behavior of two-phase flow in porous media is influenced by the flow functions. Especially in fractured porous media where the relative permeabilities of the phases in the fracture and matrix are different, the flow behavior is significantly affected by these functions. On the other hand, the properties of the fluid and the fracture, such as length, orientation, and roughness of the fracture, also play an important role in determining the values of relative permeabilities and, consequently, the behavior of two-phase flow. However, the influence of fracture geometric properties on the relative permeability curves in fractured porous media is not well understood. In this study, firstly, a Hele-Shaw cell for conducting crude oil injection experiments into water-saturated fractured porous media is designed and constructed. Then, the relative permeabilities of the phases in the fracture and matrix are separately determined through simulating laboratory experiments using a commercial black oil simulator and history-matching the experimental data. Experiments are conducted for different fracture conditions in terms of number, orientation with respect to flow direction, and intersection angle of fractures. The results of this study show that the Corey model is an appropriate model for describing the relative permeabilities of two-phase flow of water-crude oil in fractures. Depending on the fracture angle with respect to flow and the intersection angle of fractures, the relative permeability curves of fractures can approach linear models, and the corresponding saturation at the endpoints of the curves decreases. Therefore, a significant distinction between the curves and the equations of matrix and fracture relative permeabilities will emerge. Finally, to further investigate the concept of fracture relative permeability, modeling is performed for a similar two-phase system, and fracture relative permeabilities are separated from the global system relative permeabilities
- Keywords:
- Fracture Permeability ; Relative Permeability ; Fractured Porous Media ; Experimental Investigation ; Simulation ; Fracture Properties ; Two Phase Flow
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