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    A Model of Risk Analysis for Iran Petroleum Contracts (IPC)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zohali, Daria (Author) ; Haji, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor)
    The economic framework of the petroleum sector exhibits significant divergence from other businesses owing to the substantial risks and uncertainties inherent in oil and gas ventures, compounded by highly unpredictable price fluctuations. Moreover, the abundance of uncertainties in the data employed for investment decisions in petroleum projects is very large, thus exerting a significant impact on the decision-making processes. This research delves into the impact of diverse risk factors on oil contracts and scrutinizes their influence on contractual dynamics. The study unfolds in three segments, encompassing an examination of economic factors shaping oil contracts, model design, and the... 

    Quality-of-Service Aware Design and Management of Embedded Mixed-Criticality Systems

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ranjbar, Behnaz (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Kumar, Akash (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, implementing a complex system, which executes various applications with different levels of assurance, is a growing trend in modern embedded real- time systems to meet cost, space, timing, and power consumption requirements. Medical devices, automotive, and avionics industries are the most common safety- critical applications, exploiting these systems known as Mixed-Criticality (MC) systems. MC applications are real-time, and to ensure the correctness of these applications, it is essential to meet strict timing requirements as well as functional specifications. The correct design of such MC systems requires a thorough understanding of the system’s functions and their importance to... 

    Analyzing the Interplay of Power Management and Communication Reliability of Wireless Networks in Embedded Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Elahe Sadat (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Due to safety critical applications of the embedded systems, reliability is one of the most important properties of these systems. Wireless networks also have error prone data transmission channels and limited power consumption. Therefore reliability and power conservation are two vital characteristics of the wireless network especially in embedded applications. Since achieving to a desirable level of data reliability is power consuming, we must consider a trade-off between power consumption and data reliability. In wireless networks power consumption can be categorized into: power consumption in wireless devices and power consumption in data transmission. For decrement of wireless devices... 

    Reduction of Residual Displacement of Concrete Structures by use of High Strength Rebars

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tazarv, Mostafa (Author) ; Khalu, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Reinforced concrete bridge columns located in regions of high seismicity are designed with large ductility capacity for adequate protection against collapse. This type of design tends to result in large permanent displacements. To maximize post-event operability and to minimize repair costs, new design strategies to reduce these residual displacements are necessary. Even though seismic codes ensure life safety for bridges, large residual displacement after severe earthquake may make the bridge useless. For example, after 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Japan), more than 100 reinforced concrete bridge columns experienced a tilt angle of more than 1 degree (1.75% drift). These columns had to... 

    Kakeya Needle Problem

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shabani Rokn Vafa, Saeed (Author) ; Ranjbar Motlagh, Alireza (Supervisor)
    The Kakeya needle problem was stated by a Japanese mathematician, Kakeya, in 1917 as follows: \What is the least area of a planar shape in which a needle of unit length can be turned 180 degrees?" Later, this problem was closely related to some problems in Fourier analysis and harmonic analysis, theory of partial dierential equations, theory of arithmetic combinatorics, and analytic number theory. In this thesis, after stating some elementary considerations in chapter one, we describe the Kakeya needle problem and Besicovitch's solution in chapter two. In chapter three there will be some discussions about the Fourier multiplier operator and in particular, disk multiplier operator, and we... 

    Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of Squat Composite Corrugated Shear Walls Under In-Plain Shear

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehrsoroush, Ali (Author) ; Khalu, Alireza (Supervisor)
    The new lateral load resisting system introduced in this dissertation is a kind of squat composite shear wall consisting of a concrete core as filler and two steel corrugated sheets as cover. Reinforced bars are not used in this kind of construction. Load resisting process of the walls is provided by 3 factors: concrete core, steel corrugated covers on both sides of the central core and shear-friction interaction between the core and covers. There is not any specific formula for their design because of their novelty and few researches on this kind of walls and absence of code provisions. In this project, squat composite walls were constructed with dimensions of 106.8×90 (cm2) from corrugated... 

    Identification and Abnormal Condition Detection of a Cement Rotary Kiln

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadeghian, Masoud (Author) ; Fatehi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    One of the most important parts of a cement factory is the cement rotary kiln which plays a key role in quality and quantity of produced cement. In this part, the physical exertion and bilateral movement of air and materials, together with chemical reactions take place. Thus, this system has immensely complex and nonlinear dynamic equations. These equations have not worked out yet. Only in exceptional case; however, a large number of the involved parameters were crossed out and an approximation model was presented instead. This issue caused many problems for designing a cement rotary kiln controller. In this thesis, we employed a nonlinear system identification method for identification,... 

    Real-Time Scheduling in Distributed Fault-Tolerant and Low Energy Embedded Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aminzadeh, Soheil (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Scheduling of real-time processes is often one of the greatest challenges in designing distributed embedded systems. Low energy consumption and fault tolerance are key objectives in the design of embedded systems. However, these objectives are at odds, and there is a trade-off between them. A large part of this thesis includes a comprehensive study on previous researches on energy consumption and fault tolerance in hard real-time embedded systems. Real-time systems usually use system level energy management methods, i.e., dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) and dynamic power management (DPM). Also hard real-time systems often use replication to achieve fault tolerance. In this thesis, we... 

    Reducing the Energy Consumption of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems Using Feedback Control Approaches

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sharif Ahmadian, Ali (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Recently, the tradeoff between low energy consumption and high fault-tolerance has attracted a lot of attention as a key issue in the design of real-time embedded systems. Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) is known as one of the most effective low energy techniques for real-time systems. Control-theoretic DVS techniques, which have been exploited recently for DVS-enabled systems, are able to adapt well to dynamic workload. In this thesis, we have combined the above two important issues i.e., the control-theoretic DVS and fault-tolerance, and investigated reducing the energy consumption of fault-tolerant hard real-time systems using feedback control theory. Our proposed feedback-based DVS method... 

    Sobolev Embeddings into Spaces of Campanato, Morry and Holder Type

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Habibzadeh, Somayeh (Author) ; Ranjbar Motlagh, Alireza (Supervisor)

    Investigating the Behaviour of Concrete Deep Beams With Web Openings Using Finite Element Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jahangiri, Vali (Author) ; Khaloo, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Because of absence of adequate studies, design of deep beams with web openings has not yet been covered by most codes of practice. The most studies have been on simply supported deep beams with web openings and have been set up experimentally. There are very few tests of continuous deep beams available in the literature. So it was decided in this thesis the behaviour of concrete continuous deep beams with web openings using finite element software ANSYS to be investigated. Primary purpose of this thesis has been evaluating the use of finite element analysis method for analysis of concrete continuous deep beams with web openings. The next target of this thesis has been assessment of... 

    Investigation on Parameters of Carbon Nanotubes Growth and Effect of Interaction between H2 Gas and their Surfaces and Determining Capacity of Hydrogen Storage

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Reyhani, Ali (Author) ; Moshfegh, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Nozad, Ahmad (Supervisor)
    In this study, growth of MWCNTs in form of thin film and powder for hydrogen storage was investigated. Different analytical techniques including SEM, TEM, STA, XRD, XPS, BET, BJH and Raman spectroscopy were applied to characterize the samples. The results showed that substrate, catalyst thickness and type of catalyst are influenced in yield of the growth, structure and quality of MWCNTs. The study has also indicated that MWCNTs grown on Fe-Pd bimetallic catalyst with 25-75 proportion had the highest growth yield. Moreover, decreasing of the growth temperature from 970 to 920 oC produced single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with high quality (IG/ID = 15.8) and low growth yield.... 

    The First Category of Organic Cation-Cation Cluster, A DFT Study and Synthesis of Thiazolidinedione, Rhodanine and S-Transalkylation of Dithiocarbamates

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shokri, Alireza (Author) ; Saidi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    In this study, using the B3LYP/6-3111++g(d,p) computational level, we have explored the possibility of formation of some organic and bioorganic cation-cation clusters (CCC) in the absence of any anionic stabilizing species. Furthermore, we have shown the existence of a barrier energy for exothermic dissociation of these clusters. Herein, we have selected some biomolecules such as the chloroquine (CQ) antimalarial drug . The selected molecules possess the basic sites and can function as both hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. Also, a facile and direct synthetic route toward the rhodanine derivatives and thiazolidine-2,4-diones via a three-component coupling of carbon disulfide, primary... 

    Exploring of Influence of Boron on Acidity of Organic Functional Groups by DFT Calculation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehrpajouh, Sima (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Acidity values of some compound (e.g., alkanes, alcohols, carboxylic acids and amines) with or without boron substitute have been studied theoretically to evaluate the influence of boron on acidity of organic functional groups. We have derived the unoccupied reactive orbital that show the maximum localization on the boron pπ atomic orbital overlapping with the lone-pair orbital of an electron donor. Localization of unoccupied reactive orbital on the boron pπ atomic and the polarizability of the boron center are two factors which affect acidity values of functional groups. Conformational searching was performed using MM (Molecular Mechanics). The most important conformations were optimized at... 

    Dynamic Pricing of Perishable Asset Using Demand Learning

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami Shahrbanki, Behrouz (Author) ; Hajji, Alireza (Supervisor)
    This research deals with the problem of dynamic pricing of perishable assets. In this problem there are two sources of randomness: the arrival rate of customers and their reservation prices. In most studies considering this problem, it’s assumed that process of arrivals of customers follows a Poisson process with a given intensity. Thus this process is assumed to have independent increments and the information regarding the arrival times of previous customers doesn’t have any influence on the distribution of arrival times of future customers. In some recent studies it’s assumed that customers’ arrivals follow a conditional Poisson process with an unknown intensity. The distribution of this... 

    Seiberg-Witten Invariants and Low Dimensional Topology

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sheikh Alishahi, Akram (Author) ; Bahraini, Alireza (Supervisor)

    Supply Chain Planning in Petroleum Industry(Case study)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Gharahkhani, Mohsen (Author) ; Hadji, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Petroleum industry, as the most important industry in our country, can play a key role in economic development. Iran as an important producer of oil and gas, consume only little amount of its production and the remaining is being exported. This industry has a four echelon supply chain. 1) Crude oil and gas, 2) refinery 3) petrochemical and 4) downstream petrochemical. The upper echelon creates little value-added but the production volume is much more than that of downstream. But the main issue is that the most significant economic value added is produced in downstream. Each industry has its own type of product that can be sold, or consume in the next industry to produce a more expensive... 

    The Ricci Flow with Applications to the Poincare and Calabi Conjectures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safdari, Mohammad (Author) ; Bahreini, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Poincare conjecture is one of the rst eorts for classifying 3-manifolds that was stated in the begining of 20th century. Eorts for proving this conjecture continued for about 100 years and nally Perelman has solved it in 2003. He has used Ricci ow which has been invented by Richard Hamilton in the early 80's. In this thesis rst we will introduce Ricci ow and will state the results before Perelman such as short time and long time existence of solution. Then we will mention some applications of Ricci ow and will state an explanation of the proof of uniformization and Calabi conjecture by Ricci ow. After that we start the main part of the thesis. In this part we will montion one of the... 

    Investigation the behavior of Low-Rise Shear Walls with Smart Rebars

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Piran Aghl, Payam (Author) ; Khaloo, Alireza (Supervisor)
    In this paper, the response of low-rise shear walls with smart rebars under static lateral loading has been numerically studied, using Finite Element Method. The material used in this study is Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) which contains nickel and titanium elements. During lateral loading, rebars yield or concrete crushes in compression zone in some parts of the RC shear walls and also residual deflections are created in the structure. The SMA exhibits little residual strains under cycles of loading and unloading even after passing the yielding zone. In addition, SMAs have a good energy dissipation capacity that helps reduce damage while increasing structural capacity. In this study, SMA... 

    A Fast and Seamless Handover Mechanism for IEEE 802.16e Broadband Wireless Access Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Poorahmadi, Rezgar (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Broadband wireless access networks, such as the IEEE 802.16e standard for wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs), aim to provide high bandwidth, low-cost, scalable solutions that extend multimedia services from backbone networks to mobile users. Handover is one of the most critical components in mobility management and its related latency plays an operative role in performance of mobile WiMAX environment. By cooperation of MAC and IP Layers, the overall handover latency in IEEE 802.16e networks would be reduced. In this thesis, we propose a fast and seamless handover scheme in mobile WiMAX networks that uses the cross-layering design model to create a new interface between layers and...