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    Enzymes : catalysis, kinetics and mechanisms

    , Book Punekar, N. S
    Springer  [2018]

    A circularly polarized antenna based on the unidirectional resonant modes of a ferrite disk

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ; Volume 50, Issue 3 , 26 September 2013 , Pages 88-95 Ghalibafan, J ; Rejaei, B ; Komjani, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    26 September 2013
    We propose a circularly polarized antenna with a wide axial ratio (AR) beamwidth that consists of a normally magnetized ferrite disk mounted on a ground plane. The device uses the resonant modes of the disk, which rotate only in the clockwise or counter-clockwise sense in the frequency range where the effective permeability of ferrite is negative. A semianalytical model is derived for the antenna fed by a single, conventional current probe and is validated numerically by finite element method. For a yttrium iron garnet disk with the radius and height of 5 and 1 mm, respectively, the results show a 3 dB AR beamwidth of 90° with an operation frequency, which can be tuned in the 4-4.5 GHz range... 

    Multi model robust control design for a floating offshore variable speed wind turbine with tension leg platform

    , Article Ocean Engineering ; Volume 266 , 2022 ; 00298018 (ISSN) Ghorbani Shektaei, S. R ; Sadati, N ; Member, IEEE ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    This paper presents a multi-model robust control (MMRC) design for an offshore variable speed wind turbine with tension leg platform. The proposed control scheme covers the model uncertainty in the above rated wind speed, and it provides a reliable control for power regulation while minimizing the mechanical loads on the wind turbine structure. For this purpose, the above rated wind speed region is divided into several wind speed groups, and a set of linearized models are obtained from the Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence (FAST) simulator for various mean wind speeds of each group. Using Weibull wind speed distribution, a nominal model with additive uncertainty is generated... 

    Implementation and intelligent gain tuning feedback–based optimal torque control of a rotary parallel robot

    , Article JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control ; Volume 28, Issue 19-20 , 2022 , Pages 2678-2695 ; 10775463 (ISSN) Tajdari, F ; Ebrahimi Toulkani, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Inc  2022
    Aiming at operating optimally minimizing error of tracking and designing control effort, this study presents a novel generalizable methodology of an optimal torque control for a 6-degree-of-freedom Stewart platform with rotary actuators. In the proposed approach, a linear quadratic integral regulator with the least sensitivity to controller parameter choices is designed, associated with an online artificial neural network gain tuning. The nonlinear system is implemented in ADAMS, and the controller is formulated in MATLAB to minimize the real-time tracking error robustly. To validate the controller performance, MATLAB and ADAMS are linked together and the performance of the controller on the... 

    Large deformation of shape-memory polymer-based lattice metamaterials

    , Article International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ; Volume 232 , 2022 ; 00207403 (ISSN) Pirhaji, A ; Jebellat, E ; Roudbarian, N ; Mohammadi, K ; Movahhedy, M. R ; Asle Zaeem, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Through advanced computational analysis, this work demonstrates that metamaterial structures when made by shape-memory polymers (SMPs) can provide unique intelligent mechanical behavior. For the first time, geometrical effects, pertaining to low and ultra-low densities, on the thermomechanical behavior of SMP-based octet-truss lattice meta-structures are studied in this work. A reliable constitutive thermo-visco-hyperelastic model is applied to analyze the shape-memory behavior of several designed octet-truss lattices with ultra-low and low relative densities, ranging from 0.04 to 0.23. Different compressive strain values are tested to determine the effect of pre-straining. It is concluded... 

    Carbon-based nanocomposite decorated with bioactive glass and CoNi2S4 nanoparticles with potential for bone tissue engineering

    , Article OpenNano ; Volume 8 , 2022 ; 23529520 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Aldhaher, A ; Ahmadi, S ; Baheiraei, N ; Rabiee, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2022
    In this work, for the first time, different forms of nanocomposites based on rGO and MWCNT were prepared in conjoining with the bioactive glass (BioGlass). In the carbonic layers, a highly toxic nanoparticle, CoNi2S4, was intercalated, and the role of this nanoparticle in the alkaline phosphatase activity, relative cell viability on different cell lines, and also the effect on the cell walls and cell morphologies were investigated. From another perspective, the ability of the chemotherapy drug loading to the prepared nanocomposites was investigated, and the use of leaf extracts was thought of as a green method to lower the cytotoxicity and regulate the genotoxicity of the generated... 

    Measurement of the higgs boson width and evidence of its off-shell contributions to ZZ production

    , Article Nature Physics ; Volume 18, Issue 11 , 2022 , Pages 1329-1334 ; 17452473 (ISSN) Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Andrejkovic, J. W ; Bergauer, T ; Chatterjee, S ; Damanakis, K ; Dragicevic, M ; Del Valle, A.E ; Frühwirth, R ; Jeitler, M ; Krammer, N ; Lechner, L ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Paulitsch, P ; Pitters, F.M ; Schieck, J ; Schöfbeck, R ; Schwarz, D ; Templ, S ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C.-E ; Chekhovsky, V ; Litomin, A ; Makarenko, V ; Darwish, M.R ; De Wolf, E.A ; Janssen, T ; Kello, T ; Lelek, A ; Sfar, H.R ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Putte, S ; Van Remortel, N ; Bols, E.S ; D’Hondt, J ; De Moor, A ; Delcourt, M ; El Faham, H ; Lowette, S ; Moortgat, S ; Morton, A ; Müller, D ; Sahasransu, A.R ; Tavernier, S ; Van Doninck, W ; Vannerom, D ; Beghin, D ; Bilin, B ; Clerbaux, B ; De Lentdecker, G ; Favart, L ; Kalsi, A.K ; Lee, K ; Mahdavikhorrami, M ; Makarenko, I ; Paredes, S ; Pétré, L ; Popov, A ; Postiau, N ; Starling, E ; Thomas, L ; Bemden, M.V ; Vander Velde, C ; Vanlaer, P ; Cornelis, T ; Dobur, D ; Knolle, J ; Lambrecht, L ; Mestdach, G ; Niedziela, M ; Rendón, C ; Roskas, C ; Samalan, A ; Skovpen, K ; Tytgat, M ; Van Den Bossche, N ; Vermassen, B ; Wezenbeek, L ; Benecke, A ; Bethani, A ; Bruno, G ; Bury, F ; Caputo, C ; David, P ; Delaere, C ; Donertas, I.S ; Giammanco, A ; Jaffel, K ; Jain, S ; Lemaitre, V ; Mondal, K ; Prisciandaro, J ; Taliercio, A ; Teklishyn, M ; Tran, T.T ; Vischia, P ; Wertz, S ; Alves, G.A ; Hensel, C ; Moraes, A ; Teles, P.R ; Júnior, W.L.A ; Pereira, M.A.G ; Filho, M.B.F ; Malbouisson, H.B ; Carvalho, W ; Chinellato, J ; Da Costa, E.M ; Da Silveira, G.G ; De Jesus Damiao, D ; Sousa, V.D.S ; De Souza, S.F ; Herrera, C.M ; Amarilo, K.M ; Mundim, L ; Nogima, H ; Santoro, A ; Do Amaral, S.M.S ; Sznajder, A ; Thiel, M ; De Araujo, F.T.D.S ; Pereira, A.V ; Bernardes, C.A ; Calligaris, L ; Tomei, T.R.F.P ; Gregores, E.M ; Lemos, D.S ; Mercadante, P.G ; Novaes, S.F ; Padula, S.S ; Aleksandrov, A ; Antchev, G ; Hadjiiska, R ; Iaydjiev, P ; Misheva, M ; Rodozov, M ; Shopova, M ; Sultanov, G ; Dimitrov, A ; Ivanov, T ; Litov, L ; Pavlov, B ; Petkov, P ; Petrov, A ; Cheng, T ; Javaid, T ; Mittal, M ; Wang, H ; Yuan, L ; Ahmad, M ; Bauer, G ; Dozen, C ; Hu, Z ; Martins, J ; Wang, Y ; Yi, K ; Chapon, E ; Chen, G.M ; Chen, H.S ; Chen, M ; Iemmi, F ; Kapoor, A ; Leggat, D ; Liao, H ; Liu, Z.-A ; Milosevic, V ; Monti, F ; Sharma, R ; Tao, J ; Thomas-Wilsker, J ; Wang, J ; Zhang, H ; Zhao, J ; Agapitos, A ; An, Y ; Ban, Y ; Chen, C ; Levin, A ; Li, Q ; Lyu, X ; Mao, Y ; Qian, S.J ; Wang, D ; Xiao, J ; Yang, H ; Lu, M ; You, Z ; Gao, X ; Okawa, H ; Zhang, Y ; Lin, Z ; Xiao, M ; Avila, C ; Cabrera, A ; Florez, C ; Fraga, J ; Guisao, J.M ; Ramirez, F ; Alvarez, J.D.R ; Giljanovic, D ; Godinovic, N ; Lelas, D ; Puljak, I ; Antunovic, Z ; Kovac, M ; Sculac, T ; Brigljevic, V ; Ferencek, D ; Majumder, D ; Roguljic, M ; Starodumov, A ; Susa, T ; Attikis, A ; Christoforou, K ; Kole, G ; Kolosova, M ; Konstantinou, S ; Mousa, J ; Nicolaou, C ; Ptochos, F ; Razis, P.A ; Rykaczewski, H ; Saka, H ; Finger, M ; Finger, M., Jr ; Kveton, A ; Ayala, E ; Jarrin, E.C ; Abdalla, H ; Salama, E ; Mahmoud, M.A ; Mohammed, Y ; Bhowmik, S ; Dewanjee, R.K ; Ehataht, K ; Kadastik, M ; Nandan, S ; Nielsen, C ; Pata, J ; Raidal, M ; Tani, L ; Veelken, C ; Eerola, P ; Kirschenmann, H ; Osterberg, K ; Voutilainen, M ; Bharthuar, S ; Brücken, E ; Garcia, F ; Havukainen, J ; Kim, M.S ; Kinnunen, R ; Lampén, T ; Lassila-Perini, K ; Lehti, S ; Lindén, T ; Lotti, M ; Martikainen, L ; Myllymäki, M ; Ott, J ; Rantanen, M.M ; Siikonen, H ; Tuominen, E ; Tuominiemi, J ; Luukka, P ; Petrow, H ; Tuuva, T ; Amendola, C ; Besancon, M ; Couderc, F ; Dejardin, M ; Denegri, D ; Faure, J.L ; Ferri, F ; Ganjour, S ; Gras, P ; de Monchenault, G.H ; Jarry, P ; Lenzi, B ; Malcles, J ; Rander, J ; Rosowsky, A ; Sahin, M.Ö ; Savoy-Navarro, A ; Simkina, P ; Titov, M ; Yu, G.B ; Ahuja, S ; Beaudette, F ; Bonanomi, M ; Perraguin, A.B ; Busson, P ; Cappati, A ; Charlot, C ; Davignon, O ; Diab, B ; Falmagne, G ; Alves, B.A.F.S ; Ghosh, S ; de Cassagnac, R.G ; Hakimi, A ; Kucher, I ; Motta, J ; Nguyen, M ; Ochando, C ; Paganini, P ; Rembser, J ; Salerno, R ; Sarkar, U ; Sauvan, J.B ; Sirois, Y ; Tarabini, A ; Zabi, A ; Zghiche, A ; Agram, J.-L ; Andrea, J ; Apparu, D ; Bloch, D ; Bourgatte, G ; Brom, J.-M ; Chabert, E.C ; Collard, C ; Darej, D ; Fontaine, J.-C ; Goerlach, U ; Grimault, C ; Le Bihan, A.-C ; Nibigira, E ; Van Hove, P ; Asilar, E ; Beauceron, S ; Bernet, C ; Boudoul, G ; Camen, C ; Carle, A ; Chanon, N ; Contardo, D ; Depasse, P ; El Mamouni, H ; Fay, J ; Gascon, S ; Gouzevitch, M ; Ille, B ; Laktineh, I.B ; Lattaud, H ; Lesauvage, A ; Lethuillier, M ; Mirabito, L ; Perries, S ; Shchablo, K ; Sordini, V ; Touquet, G ; Vander Donckt, M ; Viret, S ; Lomidze, I ; Toriashvili, T ; Tsamalaidze, Z ; Botta, V ; Feld, L ; Klein, K ; Lipinski, M ; Meuser, D ; Pauls, A ; Röwert, N ; Schulz, J ; Teroerde, M ; Dodonova, A ; Eliseev, D ; Erdmann, M ; Fackeldey, P ; Fischer, B ; Hebbeker, T ; Hoepfner, K ; Ivone, F ; Mastrolorenzo, L ; Merschmeyer, M ; Meyer, A ; Mocellin, G ; Mondal, S ; Mukherjee, S ; Noll, D ; Novak, A ; Pozdnyakov, A ; Rath, Y ; Reithler, H ; Schmidt, A ; Schuler, S.C ; Sharma, A ; Vigilante, L ; Wiedenbeck, S ; Zaleski, S ; Dziwok, C ; Flügge, G ; Ahmad, W.H ; Hlushchenko, O ; Kress, T ; Nowack, A ; Pooth, O ; Roy, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2022
    Since the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, detailed studies of its properties have been ongoing. Besides its mass, its width—related to its lifetime—is an important parameter. One way to determine this quantity is to measure its off-shell production, where the Higgs boson mass is far away from its nominal value, and relating it to its on-shell production, where the mass is close to the nominal value. Here we report evidence for such off-shell contributions to the production cross-section of two Z bosons with data from the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We constrain the total rate of the off-shell Higgs boson contribution beyond the Z boson pair production threshold,... 

    Comparisons of lumbar spine loads and kinematics in healthy and non-specific low back pain individuals during unstable lifting activities

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; Volume 144 , 2022 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Heidari, E ; Arjmand, N ; Kahrizi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Evaluation of spinal loads in patients with low back pain (LBP) is essential to prevent further lumbar disorders. Many studies have investigated the relationship between lifting task variables and lumbar spine loads during manual lifting activities. The nature of the external load (stable versus unstable loads) is an important variable that has received less attention. Therefore, the present study aimed to measure trunk kinematics and estimate compressive-shear loads on the lumbar spine under lifting a 120 N stable load and 120 ± 13.63 N sensual unstable load in 16 healthy and 16 non-specific LBP individuals during lifting activities. The maximal lumbar loads were estimated using a... 

    Optimization of cervical cage and analysis of its base material: A finite element study

    , Article Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine ; Volume 236, Issue 11 , 2022 , Pages 1613-1625 ; 09544119 (ISSN) Jalilvand, E ; Abollfathi, N ; Khajehzhadeh, M ; Hassani Gangaraj, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Ltd  2022
    Nowadays, cervical disorders are common due to human lifestyles. Accordingly, the cage design should be optimized as an essential issue. For an optimal design, an objective function is utilized to calculate the proper geometrical parameters. Additionally, the base material of the cage plays a key role in its functionality and final cost. Novel materials are currently introduced with more compatibility with the bone in terms of mechanical and chemical properties. In this study, a cervical cage was modeled based on PEEK material with three types of tooth designs on its surface. The cervical cage is assumed to be implanted between C6 and C7 vertebrae. The geometric parameters of the cage were... 

    Successive cytotoxicity control by evolutionary surface decorated electronic push-pull green ZnCr-LDH nanostructures: Drug delivery enlargement for targeted breast cancer chemotherapy

    , Article OpenNano ; Volume 8 , 2022 ; 23529520 (ISSN) Kiani, M ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Fatahi, Y ; Daneshgar, H ; Safarkhani, M ; Salehi, G ; Makvandi, P ; Saeb, M. R ; Lima, E. C ; Rabiee, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2022
    The reason for the increasing bioavailability and biocompatibility of the porous nanomaterials in the presence of different (bio)molecules is still unknown. The role of difference functional groups and their interactions with the potential bioavailability and biocompatibility is of great importance. To investigate the potential contribution of the electronic effects (especially on the surface of the porous nanomaterials) on their biomedical behavior, a series of surface-decorated green ZnCr-layered double hydroxide (LDH) porous nanocarriers is developed as a non-viral vector. Different conjugations investigated these porous LDHs for optimizing and minimizing the cytotoxicity for targeted... 

    Development and verification of a flexible tethered satellite system model considering the fuel slosh

    , Article Multibody System Dynamics ; Volume 56, Issue 3 , 2022 , Pages 289-312 ; 13845640 (ISSN) Jafari Shahbazzadeh, Z ; Vatankhah, R ; Eghtesad, M ; Assadian, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media B.V  2022
    Removing space debris of various sizes, configurations, and properties from Earth’s orbits is one of the main missions of world space agencies. The existence of deactivated bodies within the path of other spacecraft increases the risk of collision. Althgough towing a satellite through a tether and taking it out of orbit may be a definite solution for space debris removal, most deactivated satellites have some fuel remaining in their fuel tank. This remaining liquid slosh within the tank directly affects satellite motion. To improve the mathematical modeling, the existence of unburned fuel is considered. More specifically, this research focuses on dynamic modeling and control of a selected... 

    In situ polymerization of curcumin incorporated polyurethane/zinc oxide nanocomposites as a potential biomaterial

    , Article Reactive and Functional Polymers ; Volume 180 , 2022 ; 13815148 (ISSN) Shah, S. A. A ; Athir, N ; Shehzad, F. K ; Cheng, J ; Gao, F ; Zhang, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2022
    Curcumin incorporated polyurethanes (CPU) are gaining much attention as a biomaterial. However, challenges are still remained due to hydrophobicity and low mechanical strength of CPU. Herein, we synthesized the CPU/ZnO nanocomposites with good mechanical and improved hydrophilic properties via in-situ polymerization. A series of curcumin incorporated polyurethane with different concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnCPU) are synthesized by using the curcumin, polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the soft segment, hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) as the hard segment, and 1,4-butanediol (BDO) as the chain extender. The addition of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) facilitated the soft domain of PU which is... 

    Family language policy among Kurdish-Persian speaking families in Kermanshah, Iran

    , Article Multilingua ; Volume 41, Issue 6 , 2022 , Pages 743-767 ; 01678507 (ISSN) Tamleh, H ; Rezaei, S ; Boivin, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Walter de Gruyter GmbH  2022
    Minority language studies have received increasing attention over the last decade in Iran. Drawing on Spolsky's (Spolsky, Bernard. 2004. Language policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) language policy theoretical framework, this inquiry reports on the language ideologies, practices, and management efforts of an under-explored group of Kurdish families residing in the city of Kermanshah. To this end, semi-structured interviews and ethnographic fieldwork guided the collection of data from 40 Kurdish-Persian bilingual parents. The thematic analysis of data revealed glaring inconsistencies among the three elements of family language policy (FLP). That is parents' strong attachment to... 

    A fine-grained data set and analysis of tangling in bug fixing commits

    , Article Empirical Software Engineering ; Volume 27, Issue 6 , 2022 ; 13823256 (ISSN) Herbold, S ; Trautsch, A ; Ledel, B ; Aghamohammadi, A ; Ghaleb, T. A ; Chahal, K. K ; Bossenmaier, T ; Nagaria, B ; Makedonski, P ; Ahmadabadi, M. N ; Szabados, K ; Spieker, H ; Madeja, M ; Hoy, N ; Lenarduzzi, V ; Wang, S ; Rodríguez-Pérez, G ; Colomo-Palacios, R ; Verdecchia, R ; Singh, P ; Qin, Y ; Chakroborti, D ; Davis, W ; Walunj, V ; Wu, H ; Marcilio, D ; Alam, O ; Aldaeej, A ; Amit, I ; Turhan, B ; Eismann, S ; Wickert, A. K ; Malavolta, I ; Sulír, M ; Fard, F ; Henley, A. Z ; Kourtzanidis, S ; Tuzun, E ; Treude, C ; Shamasbi, S. M ; Pashchenko, I ; Wyrich, M ; Davis, J ; Serebrenik, A ; Albrecht, E ; Aktas, E. U ; Strüber, D ; Erbel, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2022
    Context: Tangled commits are changes to software that address multiple concerns at once. For researchers interested in bugs, tangled commits mean that they actually study not only bugs, but also other concerns irrelevant for the study of bugs. Objective: We want to improve our understanding of the prevalence of tangling and the types of changes that are tangled within bug fixing commits. Methods: We use a crowd sourcing approach for manual labeling to validate which changes contribute to bug fixes for each line in bug fixing commits. Each line is labeled by four participants. If at least three participants agree on the same label, we have consensus. Results: We estimate that between 17% and... 

    Biomedical engineering of polysaccharide-based tissue adhesives: Recent advances and future direction

    , Article Carbohydrate Polymers ; Volume 295 , 2022 ; 01448617 (ISSN) Shokrani, H ; Shokrani, A ; Seidi, F ; Munir, M. T ; Rabiee, N ; Fatahi, Y ; Kucinska Lipka, J ; Saeb, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Tissue adhesives have been widely used for preventing wound leaks, sever bleeding, as well as for enhancing drug delivery and biosensing. However, only a few among suggested platforms cover the circumstances required for high-adhesion strength and biocompatibility, without toxicity. Antibacterial properties, controllable degradation, encapsulation capacity, detectability by image-guided procedures and affordable price are also centered to on-demand tissue adhesives. Herein we overview the history of tissue adhesives, different types of polysaccharide-based tissue adhesives, their mechanism of gluing, and different applications of polysaccharide-based tissue adhesives. We also highlight the... 

    Evaluation of a robust dynamic vibration absorber based on negative stiffness and internal resonance against seismic excitation

    , Article International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics ; Volume 146 , 2022 ; 00207462 (ISSN) Harouni, P ; Attari, N. K. A ; Rofooei, F. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    In this study, a nonlinear absorber that works with a negative stiffness is introduced to control vibration and its effect on reducing earthquake damage is investigated. Negative stiffness increases structural softness and damping. Also, due to its inherent nonlinear nature, negative stiffness can cause internal resonance and transfer vibration energy from a directly excited vibrating mode to a higher frequency mode. Using these features can be effective in reducing vibration. First, to investigate the dynamic behavior in conditions without internal resonance and with 1:3 internal resonance, the proposed absorber is added to a nonlinear main system and when the system is under external... 

    Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of a smooth circular cylinder at the subcritical regime

    , Article Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment ; Volume 236, Issue 4 , 2022 , Pages 916-937 ; 14750902 (ISSN) Abbaspour, M ; Nemati Kourabbasloo, N ; Mohtat, P ; Tanha, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Ltd  2022
    The present paper focuses on the simulation of vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a rigid, smooth circular cylinder with elastic supports subject to a cross-flow at the subcritical regime of Reynolds number, 30,000

    DONE: Distributed approximate newton-type method for federated edge learning

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ; Volume 33, Issue 11 , 2022 , Pages 2648-2660 ; 10459219 (ISSN) Dinh, C. T ; Tran, N. H ; Nguyen, T. D ; Bao, W ; Balef, A. R ; Zhou, B. B ; Zomaya, A. Y ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2022
    There is growing interest in applying distributed machine learning to edge computing, forming federated edge learning. Federated edge learning faces non-i.i.d. and heterogeneous data, and the communication between edge workers, possibly through distant locations and with unstable wireless networks, is more costly than their local computational overhead. In this work, we propose ${{sf DONE}}$DONE, a distributed approximate Newton-type algorithm with fast convergence rate for communication-efficient federated edge learning. First, with strongly convex and smooth loss functions, ${{sf DONE}}$DONE approximates the Newton direction in a distributed manner using the classical Richardson iteration... 

    Modeling the accuracy of traffic crash prediction models

    , Article IATSS Research ; Volume 46, Issue 3 , 2022 , Pages 345-352 ; 03861112 (ISSN) Rashidi, M. H ; Keshavarz, S ; Pazari, P ; Safahieh, N ; Samimi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2022
    Crash forecasting enables safety planners to take appropriate actions before casualty or loss occurs. Identifying and analyzing the attributes influencing forecasting accuracy is of great importance in road crash forecasting. This study aims to model the forecasting accuracy of 31 provinces using their macroeconomic variables and road traffic indicators. Iran's road crashes throughout 2011–2018 are calibrated and cross-validated using the Holt-Winters (HW) forecasting method. The sensitivity of crash forecast reliability is studied by a regression model. The results suggested that the root mean square error (RMSE) of crash prediction increased among the provinces with higher and more variant... 

    Novel heterojunction magnetic composite MIL-53 (Fe)/ZnFe2O4: Synthesis and photocatalytic pollutant degradation

    , Article Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 39, Issue 10 , 2022 , Pages 2713-2724 ; 02561115 (ISSN) Mohebali Nejadian, M ; Mahmoodi, N. M ; Ghotbi, C ; Khorasheh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2022
    A new magnetic composite was synthesized by integration of ZnFe2O4 and MIL-53(Fe) micro-rods by a solvothermal method. This composite served as a heterogeneous catalyst to overcome the high electron-hole recombination rates of ZnFe2O4 and to enhance the degradation of Direct Red 23 under visible light irradiation. Different analytical techniques, including XRD, FTIR, SEM, DRS, VSM, and PL, were employed to characterize the synthesized heterojunction nanocomposite and to evaluate its photocatalytic activity. The ZnFe2O4/MIL-53(Fe)/Vis-light system resulted in significantly higher dye degradation as compared with pristine ZnFe2O4 and MIL-53(Fe) semiconductors at the optimum pH of 3.1 and...